Paying tithes and offerings is and remains a thorny issue in the lives of many Christians and a point of discussion in the church. But why do people have so much difficulty in giving money? It’s very simple, the…
Suffering for the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ is part of the lives of Christians (the church). Where the Name of the Lord is established and His Name confessed, and the people are followers of God’s Word, there…
In the Old Covenant, God never forced His people to serve Him. Of course God desired that His people feared Him and served Him in sincerity and truth and that they removed the other gods from their lives, لكن…
The soul (the life) في الدم والدم له صوت. صرخ صوت دم هابيل إلى الله وطالب بالانتقام لدم هابيل البار البريء الذي سفك.…
هناك العديد من النظريات, الاراء, ومناقشات حول ولادة الإنسان من جديد. متى يولد شخص ما من جديد, كيف يمكن للشخص أن يولد من جديد وماذا يعني ولادة جديدة لحياة الناس? العديد من الدراسات حول إعادة الميلاد لديها…