Many people are drawn by the state, bogatstvo, and provisions of another country and decide to leave their country. They go to a country that gives them what they long for. But although they leave their house and homeland,…
Paying tithes and offerings is and remains a thorny issue in the lives of many Christians and a point of discussion in the church. But why do people have so much difficulty in giving money? It’s very simple, the…
Patnja za ime Gospodina Isusa Krista dio je života kršćana (the church). Gdje je Ime Gospodnje utvrđeno i Njegovo Ime ispovijedano, a narod je sljedbenik Božje Riječi, tamo…
U Starom savezu, Bog nikada nije prisilio svoj narod da mu služi. Naravno, Bog je želio da ga se njegov narod boji i služi mu iskreno i istinito te da uklone druge bogove iz svojih života, ali…
Duša (Život) je u krvi i krv ima glas. Glas Abelove krvi vapio je Bogu i zahtijevao da se osveti nevina krv pravednog Abela koja je prolivena.…