image city and bible and blog title choose this day whom you will serve

Choose this day whom you will serve

Vecajā Derībā, God never forced His people to serve Him. Of course God desired that His people feared Him and served Him in sincerity and truth and that they removed the other gods from their lives, but

image deserted land with article title the cry of the blood

The cry of the blood

The soul (the life) is in the blood and the blood has a voice. The voice of the blood of Abel cried out unto God and demanded to avenge the innocent blood of the righteous Abel that was shed.

image mountain and blog title what three elements are required for the rebirth

Kādi trīs elementi ir nepieciešami atdzimšanai?

Ir daudz teoriju, Atzinumus, un diskusijas par cilvēka atdzimšanu. Kad kāds piedzimst no jauna, Kā cilvēks var piedzimt no jauna un ko atdzimšana nozīmē cilvēku dzīvēm? Many studies about the rebirth have

image of church and blog title let the church repent

Ļaujiet baznīcai nožēlot grēkus!

Ir pienācis laiks draudzei nožēlot savu muļķību un veltīgo staigāšanu. Baznīca ir pietiekami ilgi spēlējusies ar tumsu. Ir pienācis laiks kļūt nopietnam un atgriezties pie galvas; Jēzus Kristus, and remove all

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