Paying tithes and offerings is and remains a thorny issue in the lives of many Christians and a point of discussion in the church. But why do people have so much difficulty in giving money? It’s very simple, the…
Suffering for the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ is part of the lives of Christians (the church). Where the Name of the Lord is established and His Name confessed, and the people are followers of God’s Word, there…
I roto i te fafauraa tahito, Aita roa te Atua i faahepo i To'na nunaa ia tavini Ia'na. Oia mau, ua hinaaro te Atua ia mata'u To'na mau taata Ia'na e ia tavini Ia'na ma te haavare ore e te parau mau e ia iriti ê atu ratou i te mau atua ê atu i to ratou ora, tera râ,…
Te varua (te oraraa) tei roto i te toto e e reo to te toto. Ua pii atura te reo o te toto o Abela i te Atua e ua titau maira ia tahoo i te toto hara ore o Abela parau - tia i haamaniihia ra.…
E rave rahi mau mana'o, Te mau nota, e te mau tau'araa parau no ni'a i te fanau-faahou-raa o te taata. Ia fanau-faahou-hia te hoê taata, nahea e ti'a ai i te hoê taata ia fanau-faahou-hia e eaha te auraa o te fanau-faahou-raa no te oraraa o te taata? E rave rahi mau tuatapaparaa no nia i te fanau - faahou - raa…