image bible with blog title fight the good fight of faith

Fight the good fight of faith!

在生活中, it’s not about how you start but how you finish. This applies to every person, 包括基督徒. Because many Christians have started right but didn’t finish the way they should have finished. God’s Word warns for doubt,…

image gate with blog title the kingdom of God has no dual nationality

The Kingdom of God has no dual nationality

Many people are drawn by the state, 财富, and provisions of another country and decide to leave their country. They go to a country that gives them what they long for. But although they leave their house and homeland,…

image lemon tree with title article the fruit of giving

The fruit of giving

Paying tithes and offerings is and remains a thorny issue in the lives of many Christians and a point of discussion in the church. But why do people have so much difficulty in giving money? It’s very simple, 这…

图片:带有博客标题的 Mountain Cross for the Name for the Lord


为主耶稣基督的名受苦是基督徒生活的一部分 (教堂). 主的名被确立,他的名被承认的地方, 百姓是上帝话语的追随者, 那里…

图片 城市 和 圣经 和 博客 标题 选择这一天你将服侍谁


在旧约中, 神从来没有强迫他的子民去服侍他. 当然,上帝希望他的人民敬畏他,以真诚和诚实侍奉他,并希望他们把其他神从他们的生活中除去, 但…

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