image deserted land with article title the cry of the blood

The cry of the blood

The soul (the life) is in the blood and the blood has a voice. The voice of the blood of Abel cried out unto God and demanded to avenge the innocent blood of the righteous Abel that was shed.

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有很多理论, 意见, 以及关于人类重生的讨论. 什么时候重生, how can a person be born again and what does the rebirth mean for people’s lives? Many studies about the rebirth have

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现在是教会为她的愚蠢和虚荣行为悔改的时候了. 教会已经与黑暗玩弄了足够长的时间. It’s time to become serious and return to the Head; 耶稣基督, and remove all

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当人们重生时, 他们从上帝那里得到才能. 问题是, 新创造物如何利用他们的才能? 因为不是每个人, who has become a new creation uses the talent of God. 许多基督徒…

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世人目睹并目睹了圣餐是如何被嘲笑的. 但他们是那些人吗, 谁曾嘲笑过主的圣餐,或者圣餐被嘲笑的时间更长了? 什么…

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