Dwar il-Melħ tad-dinja

Melħ tad-dinja

Int il-melħ tal-art: imma jekk il-melħ ikun tilef togħma tiegħu, biha għandu jiġi mmellaħ? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men (Mattew 5:13)

The name ‘Salt of the earthspeaks for itself. According to the Word of God, the sons and daughters of God should be the salt of the earth. They should walk like Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Living Word, walked, as sons of God, after the Spirit according to the Word of God in the will of God. The Word of God should be the final authority in their lives.

Unfortunately in Today’s world, the Bible is no longer the final authority in many Christian’s lives. Many Christians water down the gospel and adjust the Word of God to the time we live in and change the Word to the xewqat, xewqat, and will of people.

They change the Word of God to their will, so that the words of God fit into their lifestyle, instead of changing their lives to the Word of God and His will.

Afraid of the truth and persecution of the world

Many Christians keep silent and are afraid to say what the Word says and tell the truth and stand upon the Word of God. Because the Word of God diametrically opposes the opinion and the will of people, who belong to the world.

Because of this, the salt has lost its flavor, and many souls are lost and signs and wonders don’t or hardly follow the believers anymore.

The meaning of salt of the earth

Salt has many benefits, it gives flavor, it purifies, it heals, it prevents slippery, eċċ.

Although salt purifies and heals, salt is not always pleasant and can cause a lot of pain in the beginning when it comes into a wound. But God wants His people to become awake and be purified and healed and live holy lives, since we live in the last days of the end time.

Jesus commands us to return to Him; the Word and walk in the will of God on earth. He wants to remove all the lies of the world and the ruler of the world (Ix-Xitan) that have entered the lives of many Christians, who together are the church.

Jesus wants His Body to be purified with the true Word of God and that those, who belong to His Body shall live according to His will.

The doctrines must be purified because many doctrines that are preached are carnal and focused on ‘self’. They are motivational and uplifting for the flesh, but they are spiritually powerless.

The time has come, that sons and daughters of God should return to the true Word of God and be filled with His Word and the Holy Spirit. Biex b'hekk, they know, who they are in Christ and know the will of God and walk like sons of God in the Name of Jesus Christ; the authority of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit, instead of staying babies, who are ignorant and under-age and need to be nurtured by others and keep whining all the time.

For whom is this blog intended?

This blog is mainly intended for Christians, but also for people who are looking for the truth and true life.

Because many people are looking for something, but many times they look in the wrong places and end up feeling more miserable than they felt before.

Many people suffer from mental and physical health issues. Many people have a wrong mindset, low self-esteem, dipressjoni, fear, ansjetà, personality disorder, or suffer from a chronic or terminal disease. Why is there so much misery and chaos in the world? Where does this all come from? This blog will not only tell you where it comes from, but also how it can be solved.

The Foundation of this blog

I have only one answer, which is also the Foundation of this blog and that is Jesus Christ, il-Kelma!

Every article is founded on the Word and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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