知恵の言葉 – Acknowledge the Lord in all your ways

In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths (ことわざ 3:6)

When you trust the Lord, with all your heart, and when you follow Him and His Word, instead of the world, then you shall acknowledge Him in all your ways. Acknowledging Him, means a total submission to God and His Word.

acknowledge the Lord in all your waysNo matter where you go to, or what happens in your life, when you hold on to His Word, そして obey Him, then He shall direct your paths.

That means no worry, no fear, no anxiety, no sorrow, no poverty, 等. but 平和, joy, happiness, 等.

When you enter a situation, in which you are being tempted or when you don’t see a way out anymore, then He shall be there to guide you through His Word. Through His Word, He shall lead you through that situation, so that you shall come out of that situation as an overcomer.

When you stay loyal to Him and His Word, acknowledge the Lord in all your ways, and walk in His commandments, then He shall direct your paths.

Therefore walk in 彼の戒め, and stay loyal to His Word.



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