If you ask a believer if the act of offence of Adam is stronger than the act of righteousness of Jesus Christ, most believers will say “of course not!” But how come, that many believers keep saying that they are not holy, but that they are sinners. Man is a sinner and will always remain a sinner, that’s what they think in their heart and confess with their mouth. Согласно им, Потому что они думают, что они всегда остаются грешниками, they keep living in the lie under the yoke of the devil as a slave of sin and death and persevere in sin and allow others to persevere in sin. They can live in freedom, but because of a wrong teaching of God’s Word, they keep living as slaves of sin in the bondage of the kingdom of darkness.
Sin and death entered into the world by one man
Поэтому, как через одного человека грех вошел в мир, и смерть от греха; и так смерть перешла на всех людей, за это все согрешили: (Ибо до тех пор, пока в мире не было греха закона,: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come (римляне 5:12-14).
Through Adam’s disobedience to God, sin entered into the world and death by sin, causing the spirit of man to die and the fall of man from his position; his place of dominion.
By sin, death entered man and man came under the authority of death and death reigned in man.
Man became a living soul, in whom the death reigned as king. As a result that the death reigns as king in the Adamic nature, man bears the fruit of death, что такое грех.
Каждый, кто рожден от семени Адама (мужчина) родится грешником. Никто не исключен!
Каждый рождается грешником. Нет никого, who is born righteous.
No one is righteous in his or her Adamic nature and no one can be made righteous through the works, which originate from the Adamic nature. Since the works, which originate from the flesh can’t please God.
Everyone is a sinner
Если мы говорим, что у нас нет греха, Мы обманываем себя, и правда не в нас. Если мы исповедуем свои грехи, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, и очистить нас от всякой неправды. Если мы говорим, что не согрешили,, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us 1 Джон 1:8-10)
Вот, Я был зачат в беззаконии; и во грехе зачала меня мать моя (Псалмы 51:5)
Everyone is born in unrighteousness and is born as a sinner and lives under the authority of death and bears the fruit of death; sin and is sentenced to death.
Если кто-то скажет, that he or she is not a sinner and has no sin, than that person is a liar and deceives himself or herself.
Everyone is a sinner and if believers think that before their repentance and regeneration they were not sinners and didn’t sin, and lived piously and were ‘good’, doing good works, then they lie and make God a Liar and His Word is not in them.
Because everyone is a sinner. Therefore everyone needs Jesus Christ, because every sinner needs redemption. Every person needs to be cleansed from all sin and unrighteousness and be sanctified with the blood of Jesus Christ. Without Jesus Christ and without His blood and His redemption a person remains a sinner and is lost.
The righteousness of one Man entered into the world
But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Иисус Христос, hath abounded unto many. And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.
В самом деле, если по проступку одного человека воцарилась смерть одного; тем более получающие обилие благодати и дара праведности будут царствовать в жизни одним, Jesus Christ.)
Итак, как преступлением одного суд постиг всех людей на осуждение; так и праведностью Единого безвозмездный дар сошел на всех людей для оправдания жизни.
Ибо, как непослушанием одного человека сделались многие грешниками, так послушанием Единого многие станут праведными.
Более того, закон вступил, что правонарушений может быть много. Но там, где грех изобиловал, благодать сделала гораздо больше: Что грех воцарился к смерти, так и тогда благодать может царствовать через праведность к жизни вечной через Иисуса Христа, Господа нашего. (римляне 5:15-21)
Иисус Христос; Слово Божье, came to the earth and became the Заменять для падшего человека; Старик, who is a sinner, and took the punishment for sin, which is death upon Himself and died at the cross and was raised from the dead after three days. Through the act of righteousness of Jesus; His obedience, Его кровь, и Его искупительная работа, Jesus reconciled man back to God and restored the position of fallen man; грешник (Читайте также: ‘Истинное значение креста’)
“Adam’s disobedience led to death, but the obedience of Jesus Christ led to life”
Adam’s disobedience led to judgment and condemnation of death, but the obedience of Jesus Christ; the Son of God led to righteousness and justification of life.
Каждый, who has become a new creation by faith in Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him, is no longer the old creation; грешник, who lives under bondage of death and no longer bears the fruit of death, что такое грех, but the person has become a new creation; a saint and lives under the authority of Life; Jesus Christ and reigns as king with Him over sin and death.
Через возрождение во Христе, the spirit of man is raised from the dead and the Holy Spirit of God dwells in the new creation. The new creation has become a living spirit and walks after the Spirit in obedience to God and His Word.
Новый человек, кто принадлежит Богу, shall bear the fruit of the Spirit and shall no longer do the works of the flesh. Since the flesh and its corruption died in Jesus Christ (Читайте также: ‘Обрезание в Новом Завете').
The new creation is no longer a sinner
А ты, быть мертвым во грехах твоих и необрезании плоти твоей, hath he quickened together with him, простив тебе все согрешения; Стирая почерк постановлений, которые были против нас, что противоречило нам, и убрал его с дороги, пригвоздив его к Своему кресту; И испортив начальства и власти, Он открыто выставлял их напоказ, побеждая их в этом (Колоссянам 2:13-15)
Через регенерацию, your flesh has died in Christ and your spirit is raised from the dead. Вы больше не старое творение, who is led by the flesh and its sinful nature; природа дьявола, which is present in the flesh through sin.
Ты больше не сын дьявола, who is led by the Adamic nature. Поэтому, you are no longer a living soul.
But through the act of righteousness of Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him, ты стал новым творением, who is led by the spirit in which God’s nature is present.
You have become a son of God and have received His nature
But ye are washed, но вы освящены, but ye are justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus, и Духом Бога нашего (1 Коринфянам 6:11)
Если вы стали новым творением, you are no longer a sinner, but you are a saved sinner, who is cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ and sanctified and justified in Christ and therefore are holy.
The new creation is a saint, who belongs to God and has a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.
Paul didn’t write “to the sinners.” No! Павел написал, “to the saints” (Ой. римляне 1:7, 1 Коринфянам 1:2, 2 Коринфянам 1:1, Ефесянам 1:1, Филиппийцы 1:1, Колоссянам 1:2).
Has God’s redemptive work failed?
But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? Боже упаси (Галатам 2:17)
How do you think that God feels when you say that you are born again but keep saying that you are a sinner? How do you think that God feels, when you keep saying that you are not holy (separated from the world unto God) and not righteous?
Если ты скажешь, что ты рожден свыше, which means that you are born of God and has God’s nature and the Holy Spirit dwells in you, and you keep saying that you are a sinner, then you actually say, that the act of offence of Adam is stronger than the act of righteousness of Jesus Christ and that the blood of Jesus Christ is not strong enough, but is equal to the blood of animals and that God is a God of sinners (Читайте также: 'Является ли Иисус пропагандистом греха?? и ‘The difference between the sacrifices of animals and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ')
If you keep saying, that you are a sinner, which means that you belong to the kingdom of darkness and live in rebellion and disobedience to God and His Word, then you are not saved and should get saved.
Because God is not a God of sinners, who live in rebellion and disobedience to Him. But God is a God of saints, who are transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of God and live in obedience to Him and His Word
God hears the prayers of His saints
Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth His will, him He heareth (Джон 9:31)
And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand (Откровение 8:3-4)
Слово говорит, that God doesn’t hear sinners, who live in rebellion against Him. But God hears those, who worship Him and do His will and listen to Him.
The Father hears the prayers of His saints, who are His children and who know His will and obey Him.
Be holy, ибо Я свят
Благословен Бог и Отец Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, благословивший нас всеми духовными благами на небесах во Христе: По тому, как Он избрал нас в Нем прежде создания мира, чтобы мы были святы и непорочны пред Ним в любви (Ефесянам 1:3-4)
That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish (Ефесянам 5:27)
Но как Призвавший вас свят, так будьте святы во всякой беседе; Потому что написано, Будьте святы; ибо Я свят (1 Питер 1:15-16)
God is holy and His children should be holy. Это означает, that His children listen to His voice and walk after the Spirit in obedience to Jesus Christ; the Word on this earth.
Иисус, Сын Божий, showed us, how a son of God should walk on earth. He is the Firstborn of all the other sons of God, who are born of God and belong to Him.
Вот, какую любовь даровал нам Отец, что нас следует называть сынами Божиими: поэтому мир не знает нас, because it knew Him not (1 Джон 3:1)
The world shall not know and appreciate the sons of God, since the sons of God, who have been made righteous in Christ, don’t belong to the world and don’t do the same carnal works as the world, but because of their righteous and holy state, they shall just like Jesus, reprove the world of sin and iniquity through the Holy Spirit, Who dwells in them and testify that their works are evil.
The sons of God shall represent, preach and bring the Kingdom of God to the people and expose and destroy the works of darkness
Why do believers keep saying, that they are sinners?
Слово очень ясно и говорит, что все, who is born of God and belongs to Him is no longer a sinner and therefore doesn’t persevere in sin. Но почему так много верующих, including spiritual leaders of churches, keep saying that they are sinners? Because then they can live the way they want to live and use it as an excuse to keep living in sin, не чувствуя себя виноватым.
В действительности, they still love their life as the old man, как грешник, and are not willing to put off the old man and his carnal works. They are not willing to give up their own lives and submit to Christ and live holy in obedience to God and His Word.
They want to remain carnal stay the old man and be loved by the people and please the people instead of God and therefore they are not bold enough and willing to receive and accept the truth of God and proclaim the truth of God, but they keep living like the world and allow people to live in sin and approve their sins and don’t call them to repentance. Because of that many people are lost and because of ложные доктрины, are led to eternal death.
But if you want to use a pious excuse so that you can persevere in sin, then your nature has not been changed and you still have the Adamic nature. Because your flesh wants to sin, not your spirit.
If you don’t mind sinning and don’t mind other people’s sin and approve sin or encourage them to sin, then the Spirit of God doesn’t abide in you (Читайте также: ‘A reprobate mind delights in sin and takes pleasures in those who sin’).
Каждый, who is born of God is no longer a sinner and doesn’t persevere in sin
This then is the message which we have heard of him, и объявить вам, что Бог есть свет, и в Нём нет никакой тьмы. Если мы говорим, что имеем общение с Ним, и идти во тьме, мы лжем, и не правда: Но если мы идем во свете, как Он в свете, мы общаемся друг с другом, и кровь Иисуса Христа, Сына Его, очищает нас от всякого греха (1 Джон 1:6-7).
Всякий, делающий грех, нарушает и закон: ибо грех есть преступление закона. И вы знаете, что Он явился, чтобы забрать наши грехи; и в Нем нет греха. Пребывающий в Нем не грешит: всякий, согрешающий, не видел Его, никто не знал Его.
Маленькие дети, пусть никто тебя не обманет: тот, кто делает правду, праведен, хотя он и праведен. Кто совершает грех, тот от дьявола; ибо дьявол грешит с самого начала. Для этой цели явился Сын Божий, чтобы он мог разрушить дела диавола. Всякий, рожденный от Бога, не делает греха; ибо семя его останется в нем: и он не может грешить, потому что он рожден от Бога.
В этом проявляются дети Божии, и дети дьявола: кто не делает правды, тот не от Бога, ни тот, кто не любит брата своего (1 Джон 3:4-10)
Мы знаем, что всякий, рожденный от Бога, не грешит; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself and that wicked one toucheth him not (1 Джон 5:18)
Walking by faith in Christ is walking after the Spirit in obedience to the Word.
Если в Слове сказано, that you are no longer a sinner, but that you have been made holy and righteous in Christ, who is man to contradict the Word of God? What gives man the right to speak against the Word and say, that you are a sinner and will always оставаться грешником.
Люди, who say this are not humble but live in false humility and rebel against God’s Word and twist the words of God and ensure that people keep living in the bondage of the kingdom of darkness as sinners in rebellion against God (Читайте также: 'Что значит быть скромным?')
Тебе решать, to either believe what the Word says or what people say. But the Word leads you to the truth and to the freedom in Christ and eternal life and the words of carnal man, which originate from a carnal mind, lead to lies and bondage to sin and death.
Jesus shall come with His saints and shall be glorified in His saints (Ой. 1 Салоники 3:11-13, 2 Салоники 1:10, Джуд 14-15). Если ты скажешь, что ты все еще грешник, then it’s about time to покаяться and be born again in Jesus Christ, so that you belong to Jesus and by faith and regeneration in Him become one of His saints.
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