For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fulness dwell; en, having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself; by Him, Ek sê, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven (Kolossense 1:19-20)
After God created man in His image, He gave them dominion over the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. There was a spiritual unity between God and man. God walked with man and had a relationship with man.
Until the devil approached man in the form of a serpent, and tempted man with a half-truth; a subtle lie encaused man to fall from the position as son of God and ruler over the earth (Genesis 1:26-28, 3, Lukas 3:38).
The natural and spiritual hierarchy disrupted
From the moment, that man became ongehoorsaam to the commandment of God and sinned, the natural and spiritual hierarchy in the heavens and on earth became disrupted and changed and the relationship between God and man was broken.
Man was no longer a son of God and ruler over the earth, but the fallen archangel Lucifer, who is also called the devil and Satan and who was cast out of heaven on the earth due to his rebellion, had robbed with his lie the dominion of man, so that the devil became the ruler of the world and took the place of God and became the father of fallen mankind.
But luckily God had a plan to restore what was broken and disrupted. God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christus, so that no one should be lost, but everyone, who would believe in Him, would be saved and by faith and regeneration in Jesus Christ would have eternal life (John 3:16)
And so God sent His Son Jesus Christ to the earth, to destroy the works and the power of the devil and bring peace on earth, by redeeming mankind from the power of the devil and reconcile them back to God.
Jesus came to restore and take back what the devil had stolen and disrupted in heaven and on earth.
Peace through the blood of His cross
Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, through the blood of His cross, all things in heaven and on earth were reconciled to God. Deur Jesus Christus, God had dealt with the sin problem, that separated mankind from God and kept them in bondage of the devil through their flesh, in which the sin nature dwells.
Jesus restored the spiritual hierarchy and took legally back, what the devil had stolen from mankind in the garden of Eden and gave all authority and power to those, who had become die nuwe skepping, by His blood and regeneration, and belonged to His Body, die kerk.
Everything was completed by -and in Jesus Christ, who was (en is) the image of God, the Firstborn of every creature and the Head of His Body; die kerk (Lees ook: Jesus is the image of the invisible God and the Firstborn of every creature en Jesus is the Head of His Body; die kerk).
After the perfect work on the cross, by the blood of Jesus and by faith and regeneration in Him, man was reconciled with God and it was possible for mankind to have a relationship with God, instead of communicating with God via prophets, priests, ens., soos in die Ou Verbond.
The redemption in Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ has redeemed fallen man from his sin nature (die ou man) through regeneration in Him.
If you are born again in Him and belong to His Body; die kerk, you have been made holy and righteous and you are reconciled with God. Not because of your works or by following a set of laws, rules, Voorskrifte, ordinances, education, Kursusse, ens. but because of the grace of God; through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and His blood.
Jesus Christ in Whom all the fulness of the Godhead dwells, is the Mediator between man and God. He shed His blood and reconciled (and still reconciles) dié, who believe in Him and are born again in Him, aan God.
Jesus Christ is the Mediator of the New Covenant
Pasop dat niemand julle deur filosofie en ydele bedrog bederf nie, na die tradisie van mans, na die grondbeginsels van die wêreld, en nie na Christus nie. For in Him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. En julle is volmaak in Hom, which is the head of all principality and power (Kolossense 2:8-10)
There is no other way to be saved and to be reconciled with God, as deur Jesus Christus, die Seun van God. All the fulness of the Godhead bodily dwells (permanently) in Hom. Jesus Christ is the Way, die waarheid, en die Lewe.
Jesus sê vir hom, Ek is die Weg, die waarheid, en die Lewe: niemand kom na die Vader nie, maar deur My (John 14:6)
Only through Jesus Christ and His blood, you can be reconciled with God through faith and regeneration.
Daar is geen ander manier nie! There are no other ways, means, metodes, tegnieke, steps, and procedures that can make a person holy and righteous and restore what was broken and disturbed through the fall, and reconcile a person with God.
God has made a way through the cross and the blood of His Son, to take away the enmity between God and fallen mankind and restore the peace between God and man (Lees ook: Watter soort vrede het Jesus op aarde gebring? en Die vrede wat Jesus tussen die gevalle mens en God herstel het).
All fulness dwells in Jesus Christ
Tog het dit die Here behaag om Hom te verbrysel; Hy het Hom bedroef gemaak (made Him sick): wanneer U Sy siel 'n offer vir sonde sal maak, Hy sal Sy saad sien, Hy sal Sy dae verleng, en die welbehae van die Here sal voorspoedig wees in Sy hand. Hy sal sien van die kruis van Sy siel, en sal tevrede wees: deur Sy kennis sal My regverdige Kneg baie regverdig; want Hy sal hulle ongeregtighede dra. Daarom sal Ek Hom 'n deel verdeel met die groot, en Hy sal die buit verdeel met die sterkes; omdat Hy Sy siel uitgestort het tot die dood toe: en Hy is saam met die oortreders getel; en Hy het die sonde van baie ontbloot, en voorbidding gedoen vir die oortreders (Jesaja 53:10-13).
en het alles onder sy voete geplaas, en het Hom gegee om die Hoof oor alle dinge vir die Kerk te wees, Wat Sy Liggaam is, the fulness of Him that fills all in all (Efesiërs 1:22-23)
(Now that He ascended, what is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that He might fill all things (Efesiërs 4:9-10))
All fulness of the Godhead bodily dwells in Jesus Christ. He has made everything complete in Him. Daarom, everything you need in life is in Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of fallen man, and High-Priest of the New Covenant, which is sealed with His own precious blood. But Jesus is not only Redeemer and High-Priest of the New Covenant.
Because God the Father has highly exalted His Son Jesus Christ and put Him above the angels, and given Him a Name, which is above every name, and has seated Him at His right hand and appointed Him as King in His Kingdom.
He has given Him all power and authority in the heavens and on earth. He has put all things (angels, magte, authorities, Owerhede, rulers, ens.) under His feet and gave Him to be the Head over all things to the Church, which is His Body, the fulness of Him that fills all in all (O. Handelinge 2:32-36; 5:31, Filippense 2:9-10, Kolossense 1:13; 3:1, 1 Timoteus 1:17; 6:15-16, Hebreeus 1; 8:1-2, 1 Petrus 3:22)
The fulness obtained in Jesus Christ
Johannes het getuie van Hom gelewer, en gehuil, sê, Dit was Hy van wie ek gepraat het, Hy wat na my kom, word bo my verkies: want Hy was voor my. En uit Sy volheid het ons alles ontvang, en genade vir genade. Want die wet is deur Moses gegee, maar genade en waarheid het deur Jesus Christus gekom (John 1:15-17)
For in Him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. En julle is volmaak in Hom, wat die Hoof is van alle owerheid en mag (Kolossense 2:9-10)
All fulness dwells in Jesus Christ, through Him everything is fulfilled. If you are born again and have become a new creation and belongs to His Body; Sy Kerk, then you have been made complete in Him and all the fulness that dwells in Christ, dwells in you.
For He whom God hath sent speaks the words of God: for God gives not the Spirit by measure unto Him. The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into His hand. He that believes on the Son has everlasting life: en hy wat die Seun nie glo nie, sal die lewe nie sien nie; maar die toorn van God bly op hom (John 3:34-36)
The Church is the Embassy of the Kingdom of God and the spiritual reign of Jesus Christ on earth, in which all the fulness of Christ dwells. The Church has all authority and all power in Him.
To everyone, who is born again in Christ and has become a new creation and is reconciled with God and belong to His Body, God has given power and authority, to become sons of God (beide manlik en vroulik), to stand in the spiritual warfare against sin and the devil, and to walk in the fulness of Jesus Christ and represent, preach and bring the Kingdom of God on earth.
Because it’s the wil van God, that His sons (beide manlik en vroulik) persevere and stand and stay obedient to Him and live holy lives devoted to Him, and redeem sinners, who are taken captive by the lies of the devil and live in bondage of the kingdom of darkness, by preaching the truth; die gospel van Jesus Christus, the cross, and the blood and roep hulle tot bekering, so that many sinners will be saved and cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ from all their sins and iniquities and through regeneration be made holy and righteous and reconciled with God and walk in His will.
‘Wees die sout van die aarde’