ఎన్ని అభిషేకాలు ఉన్నాయి?

Over the past decades, many doctrines about various anointings have been preached all over the world. Suddenly, there was the daily anointing, the sevenfold anointing; the anointing of Yahweh, the anointing of the fear of the Lord, the anointing of wisdom, the anointing of knowledge, the anointing of understanding, the anointing of counsel, the anointing of mastery, the breaker anointing, prophetic anointing, the leper’s anointing, the anointing of the priesthood (the priestly anointing), the king’s anointing (kingly anointing), the healing anointing, the apostolic anointing, the Anna anointing, the Esther anointing, the Deborah anointing and so on. But that’s not all, ఎందుకంటే, within all these anointings, there are also several levels of anointings and power, which a person can obtain (i.e. the fivefold levels). Every few years a new anointing is discovered and preached, that draw many Christians. Because there are many Christians, who are eager to receive a new fresh anointing. Because a new anointing means a new level of supernatural power. The words and the stories of the Bible are no longer interesting and fascinating enough, but rather boring. But as soon as a pastor, preacher or a prophet talks about new revelations, supernatural levels and walking in power, Christians hang on every word that is preached and are fascinated, and without any research in the Bible, they believe every word that is preached and consider it as the truth. But what does the Bible say about these anointings? Are all of these anointings Biblical? How many anointings can a person receive?

Is the Bible interesting?

According to many Christians, the words of God in the Old Testament have no value and are not applicable anymore. [మార్చు] moral law, that represents the దేవుని చిత్తము, has no value and has passed away, and that’s why everyone may live the way (s)he wants to live. Because we are no longer living under the law, కానీ కృప కింద, and according to them, this means that you can do whatever you want and live the way you want, no matter if it goes against the will of God.

పాపం మరియు మరణం యొక్క చట్టంBut isn’t it odd, that those, who believe and preach this message, search and dig in the Old Testament and study the lives of the people, who were still the old carnal creation, to discover new things, methods, technics and all kinds of anointings and levels of anointings and power?

If, according to them, the Old Testament has no longer any value and is no longer applicable and they don’t want to hear anything about the moral law of God, and His commandments, that represents His will, then why do they study the lives and the acts of the lives of the old man and apply what they discover to the lives of the new man? That’s not right. It’s not a ‘pick and chose’ gospel.

It’s the same with the doctrines about the various kinds of anointings, that are being preached. Most of them are inspired by- and discovered in the Old Testament.

Every few years, after a lot of philosophizing a new anointing is being discovered, named and preached. Many books are written about the various anointings, that are very popular among believers, and many conferences are organized, that draw many believers. Because who doesn’t want to receive a special anointing by the laying on of hands or by being anointed with oil. The believers think, that they have received a special anointing and possesses a new level of power. But is this Biblical? And what do they do with this new anointing in their daily life? ఎన్ని అభిషేకాలు ఉన్నాయి? And if every few years a new anointing is being discovered, then this can mean that a lot of anointings, that we are not aware, are still hidden. Which actually means, that previous generations have missed out on a lot of anointings, and maybe we will also miss out on the anointings, that will be discovered in the following generations. But isn’t God a God of revelations, Who has foretold everything till the end of times? And what about anointings? Are there indeed various anointings, that a person can receive in life?

How many anointings did Jesus have?

When we look at the life of Jesus, we don’t read anything about several anointings, which He received. యేసు నీటిలో బాప్తిస్మము తీసుకున్నారు and the Holy Spirit and accomplished His work on earth. Jesus was anointed several times during His work. He was anointed in the house of Simon the leper, by a woman, who poured precious ointment upon His head, as a preparation for His burial (చాప 26:6-12, Mar 14:3-9). He was anointed in the house of one of the Pharisees, by a woman, who was a sinner and washed His feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair and anointed His feet with ointment (Lu 7:36-50). And Jesus was anointed by Mary, the sister of Lazarus, who anointed Jesus His feet (Jn 11:2). But these anointings had nothing to do with special powers, supernatural manifestations nor position, but they were all done according to the Jewish customs.

The commission of the disciples

Jesus never discussed various anointings with His disciples, that they could obtain in life. Jesus didn’t anoint His disciples with oil and never laid His hands on them, to empower them with His anointing or impart a part of Him to them. Not even when He called His disciples, gave them authority and send them on a mission to preach and bring the gospel to God’s people. The disciples obeyed His words and went in faith and did all that Jesus had commanded them to do (చాప 10:5-15, Lu 9:1-6, 10:1-20).

The gifts and administrations

From the Book of Acts until the Book of Revelations, we don’t read anything about various special anointings, which a person receives after being మళ్ళీ పుట్టడం. There are gifts and different administrations in the church mentioned, but gifts and functions are not anointings. There is only one anointing. పునరుత్పత్తి ద్వారా, you have been placed into position as a son of God in the Body of Jesus Christ and have received everything you need, to do what Jesus; the Word has commanded you to do as His disciple (చాప 28:18-20, Mar 16:15-18).

A son of God doesn’t have a part or parts of the Holy Spirit but has received the fullness of the Spirit (i.e. Jn 14:17, రోమ్ 8:11, 1Co 3:16).

The Holy Spirit dwells in His fullness in every son of God. But to what extent the Holy Spirit becomes visible in the life of a believer, depends on the life of the believer.

When the life of the believer is totally devoted to God, and the mind has been renewed with the Word of God and has become the mind of Christ, and be a doer of the Word, only then shall the believer walk, యేసు వలె, in the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus was fully devoted and విధేయుడు తన తండ్రికి. He loved Him above all and showed that by keeping His commandments and by walking in His will. Jesus walked in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and all the ‘spiritual giftswere visible in His life.

The Holy Spirit abides in you

When you say, that you are born again, but are still looking and longing for ‘new anointings’ through the laying on of hands or by being anointed with oil, then you might ask yourself if you are really born again. Have you crucified your flesh in Jesus Christ and are you risen in Him and baptized with the Holy Spirit? Are you born of God and is Jesus Lord of your life? Or do you still belong to the world?

Maybe you are born again, but your mind is still carnal like the world and not renewed with the truth of God’s Word. It could also be, that your mind is filled with all kinds of తప్పుడు సిద్ధాంతాలు, that are based upon the philosophies, అభిప్రాయాలు, కనుగొన్నవి, and experiences of people (preachers).

Some false doctrines that are being preached are: that you need a special anointing or a special gift first, to do the work of God. Which make many believers passive. That the Holy Spirit comes and go and that you first have to call Him done from heaven or pray and fast so that He will come and you will be able to do something. Or that you need a special leading or feeling from the Holy Spirit,before you can do something and act upon the Word.

దేవుని రాజ్యంలోకి ప్రవేశించండికానీ నిజం, that you don’t need a special anointing or special gift to do what the Word tells you to do, because the Holy Spirit abides in His fulness inside of you. It’s all about whether you know the Word and that your mind lines up with the Word, so that you be a doer of the Word and walk after the Spirit or that your mind is still carnal and you walk after the flesh.

If you are still carnal, then you won’t be able to walk in faith. Because you are being led by your senses, feelings and emotions and therefore you shall always need a special leading, a word, a feeling, or a confirmation of someone, before you will act upon the Word of God.

But you don’t need a special leading of the Holy Spirit, because the Word says, that the sons of God are continuously led by the Holy Spirit (రోమ్ 8:14). పరిశుద్ధాత్మ వచ్చి పోదు, as in the Old Testament, but He dwells and abides in you, unless you send Him away.

The Holy Spirit is not an energy, substance and certainly not a feeling, as so many believers think He is. But He is the Comforter and the Spirit of truth. He is Spirit and works together with your spirit and not your flesh. A feeling is not a manifestation of te spirit, but of the flesh.

When you live according to the దేవుని చిత్తము and act upon the Word, then the Holy Spirit will always empower your actions. Acting upon the Word has not only to do with manifestations of power and the supernatural, but above all with the developing of a Godly character, living a holy and sanctified life after the will of God. That’s why it’s so important to read and study the Word, so that you will get to know His Word. Because only through the Word you will get to know His will and find out, who you really are in Christ and what you have received in Him.

You have everything you need

When the disciples received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, they did what Jesus had commanded them to do. They possessed everything they needed. When you became born again, you have also received everything you need to do what Jesus has commanded you to do. There is only one anointing, and that’s when you become born again. Because through regeneration, you have been anointed; you’ve been separated from the world, put into the position as a son of God and belong to God. You have been made holy and righteous and have the Holy Spirit abiding in you, to accomplish His work and bring the Kingdom of God to this earth.

‘భూమికి ఉప్పుగా ఉండు’

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