The apple of your eye – Przysłowia 7:2

Keep My commandments, i na żywo; and My law as the apple of your eye (Przysłowia 7:2)

Kiedy kochasz Jezusa, you shall obey Him and keep His commandments. If you keep His commandments, you shall walk in Him and live. You shall not walk in darkness, without any light, but you shall live in the Light. If you really love Jesus, then you you want to be with Him. Therefore you shall spend time in the Word; Biblię. Because Jesus is the Living Word. Jesus is the Word that has been made flesh:

Słowo stało się ciałem, i zamieszkał wśród nas, (i ujrzeliśmy Jego chwałę, chwała jako Jednorodzonego Ojca, Pełen łaski i prawdy (Jan 1:14)

You shall spend time with Him because you want to get to know Him. As you read and study His Word, you shall hear His sayings and His teachings and shall apply them in your life.

Is the Word the Apple of your eye?

His words and teachings; His laws become the apple of your eye. What is the apple of your eye exactly? The apple of your eye is the most precious possession you have. Kiedy kochasz Jezusa, you shall love the Word of God. The Word shall become your most precious possession in life.

It is the treasure, that you have found in life. Everything that is written in the Word, shall become precious to you. You shall do what the Word tells you to do.

Your life shall never be the same; your life shall be transformed to the Word of God, and you shall walk as Jesus (słowo) walked on this earth.

The Word is the only book in the whole wide world, that represents Jesus to man, because the Word is Jesus.

The Word is the connection you have with God. Przez Słowo, you have communion with Him. Jeśli Go kochasz, then the Bible shall be the apple of your eye.

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