Es-tu toujours un pécheur?

“We are all sinners”, it may sound so pious and humble, mais en réalité, it’s an insult to God and the redemptive work and precious blood of Jesus Christ and belongs to the many false doctrines that are preached. This false doctrine keeps people in bondage of sin and death and prevents them from living in freedom after the Spirit. Because this false doctrine doesn’t call the people to repentance and the removal of sin, but allows the people to persevere in sin and to tolerate and support the sins of others. Because of this teaching, people don’t have to change but can stay the way they are. And so the devil has seduced many Christians and keeps them in bondage through his lie and caused Christians to live in disobedience to God and His will. But what does the Bible say about the sinner and the saint? When are you a sinner and when are you a saint?

Everyone is born as a sinner

Comme il est écrit, Il n’y a pas de juste, Non, pas un seul: Il n’y a personne qui comprenne, il n’y a personne qui cherche Dieu. Ils sont tous partis, ils sont devenus ensemble non rentables; Il n’y en a aucun qui fasse du bien, Non, pas un seul (Romains 3:10)

pour cette raison, comme par un seul homme le péché est entré dans le monde, et la mort par le péché; et ainsi la mort s'est propagée sur tous les hommes, pour cela, tous ont péché. Car jusqu'à la loi, le péché était dans le monde (Romains 5:12-13)

The devil always uses half-truths instead of the whole truth. This should not be surprising, because the devil is a liar and the father of liars. He doesn’t speak the truth, but he always leaves a part of the whole truth away, so that people become désobéissant à Dieu et sa volonté.

This is also the case with the teaching that man always remains a sinner. It’s correct that everyone, who is born on this earth in the flesh is a sinner. No one is born righteous. Everyone is born in unrighteousness (Psaumes 51:5). That’s because of the fall of man, whereby the spirit of man died and came under the authority of the death, and man fell from his position and became a son of the devil. À partir de ce moment-là, evil was present in the seed of man. Tout le monde, qui naîtrait de la postérité d’Adam (homme) would be born as a sinner (Lire aussi:  ‘La bataille dans le jardin')).

Man was trapped in the flesh, wherein sin and death reign and lived from the sinful nature of the flesh. En donnant la loi, God made His will known to the carnal man and the sacrificial laws were given to (temporairement) purify God’s people from their sins and iniquities.

Until the promise of God, Jésus Christ, the Son of God and the Living Word, came to the earth and fulfilled the redemptive work for (déchu) homme, and redeemed man from his state as a sinner. This last part is always left out by the devil.

Jésus Christ, le Fils de Dieu, was born of the Seed of God

Jesus was not born of the seed of man but was born of the Seed of God. Therefore Jesus Christ was holy and righteous and not a sinner and unrighteous, just like Adam and Eve were holy and righteous before the fall of man.

Jesus became equal to man and was entièrement humain, therefore Jesus had the ability to sin and to leave the will of God through disobedience to God.

As by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin

Because if this wouldn’t be possible, the devil would not have tried to tempt Jesus to sin, just like the devil tempted Adam and Eve to sin.

And so the devil approached Jesus and tried to tempt Jesus to sin by using the words of God for the lusts and desires of His flesh (Lire aussi: Je te donnerai les richesses du monde')

But Jesus knew the nature and will of God and He also was familiar with the nature and the will of the devil and therefore Jesus refuted the partial truth of the devil with the whole truth of God.

And so Jesus overcame the temptations of the devil in the flesh with the words of God.

This didn’t happen once in the wilderness, but this happened during His whole life on earth.

The devil continuously tried to tempt Jesus to sin directly and through the people around Him and caused Him to bow to him. But because Jesus walked in obedience to the Father in His will after the Spirit, Jesus discerned the hearts of the people and the temptations of the devil, and so the mission of the devil failed.

“Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto Me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men” 

The devil even used the disciple Peter to tempt Jesus to sin and leave the will of God through disobedience and avoid the way of the cross.

The words of Peter sounded so loving, sincere, and compassionate, and may seem they came from God, but Jesus knew the will of the Father and recognized the words that derived from the feelings and emotions of the flesh. Therefore Jesus said to Peter: “Get thee behind Me, Satan: thou art an offence unto Me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men”

At that moment Peter was an adversary of God and didn’t speak according to a revelation of the Father, but Peter spoke from a carnal mind, since Peter tried to hinder the great work of redemption of mankind in history (Matthieu 16:21-23).

Despite all the temptations of the devil through the spiritual leaders of God’s people and even His own disciples, Jesus stayed yielded to the Father and remained obedient to the will of the Father and the Holy Spirit and freely laid down His own life

He sent His Word and healed them

Car il l'a fait devenir péché pour nous, qui ne connaissait aucun péché; afin que nous puissions devenir justice de Dieu en Lui (2 Corinthiens 5:21)

And so Jesus was wounded, bruised, and made sick (put Him to grief), because the Father laid the sins and iniquities of man and the punishment of sin, ce qui est la mort, upon Jesus Christ.

Jesus restored the peace between fallen man and God

And so Jesus Christ was made sin and became the Substitute for fallen man; the sinner and through His blood, la mort, et résurrection, He would redeem many, who lived as sinners in the kingdom of darkness and were prisoners of death, and take them to heaven and by faith and regeneration in Him would give a place in the Heavenlies on His throne and become co-heirs with Him (Psaumes 107:20, Isaïe 45:12–13; 53, Zacharie 10:9-13, Éphésiens 4:7-11, Colossiens 3:1)

Through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and His blood everything is finished. Jesus restored what was broken and made man whole (Guéri) and reconciled man with God.

Through the blood of Christ, the position of fallen man is restored and man doesn’t belong to the generation of fallen man (vieil homme); le pecheur, but belongs to the generation of the new man; the saint. 

There is no condemnation in Christ

Il n'y a donc maintenant aucune condamnation pour ceux qui sont en Jésus-Christ., qui ne marche pas selon la chair, mais selon l'Esprit. Car la loi de l'Esprit de vie en Jésus-Christ m'a affranchi de la loi du péché et de la mort.. Pour ce que la loi ne pouvait pas faire, en ce qu'il était faible à cause de la chair, Dieu envoie son propre Fils à l’image d’une chair pécheresse, et pour le péché, péché condamné dans la chair: Afin que la justice de la loi s'accomplisse en nous, qui ne marche pas selon la chair, mais selon l'Esprit.

Car ceux qui suivent la chair se soucient des choses de la chair; mais ceux qui suivent l'Esprit, les choses de l'Esprit. Car avoir un esprit charnel, c'est la mort; mais avoir un esprit spirituel, c'est la vie et la paix.

For Christ hath once suffered for sins

Parce que l’esprit charnel est inimitié contre Dieu: car elle n’est pas soumise à la loi de Dieu, ni l’un ni l’autre ne peuvent en effet l'. Ainsi donc, ceux qui sont dans la chair ne peuvent pas plaire à Dieu.

Mais vous n’êtes pas dans la chair, mais dans l’Esprit, s’il en est ainsi, l’Esprit de Dieu habite en vous. Or, si quelqu’un n’a pas l’Esprit de Christ, il n’est pas l’un de ses.

And if Christ be in you, Le corps est mort à cause du péché; mais l’Esprit est vie à cause de la justice.

But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you. (Romains 8:1-11.

Through faith and regeneration, man has laid down his flesh, in which the sin nature dwells, dans le Christ.

By the death of the flesh, man has been redeemed from the loi du péché et de la mort, which reigns in the flesh and man doesn’t live under the law, but under the grace of God (Lire aussi: 'Qu'est-ce que la grâce?', 'Perdu dans la mer de grâce', ‘The difference between the law and grace')

Man has become a new creation; un fils de Dieu, un saint, through the identification with Christ and regeneration; the death of the flesh and the resurrection of the spirit from the dead in Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit 

Can the Holy Spirit abide in a sinner?

Il y a beaucoup de croyants, who say they are sauvé and born again and have the Holy Spirit, while they keep saying that they are sinners. Mais c’est impossible! If you are a sinner, you don’t live in the will of God, but outside the will of God.

You are either a sinner and belongs through your flesh to the devil and the kingdom of darkness (the kingdom of the earth) or you have become a saint through regeneration and belongs through your spirit to Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God (Royaume des Cieux (Oh. Romains 8, Éphésiens 1:3-14, Colossiens 1:12-14, 1 John 3:1-10)).

The Holy Spirit can’t abide in an unclean person; un pécheur. Donc, if someone says that he or she is a sinner, then the person is not born again and is not redeemed from the power of sin and death and therefore the person is not saved. The person still lives in the kingdom of darkness and is blinded in his or her carnal mind and is still a prisoner of sin and death and walks after the flesh in disobedience to God and His will.

What is a sinner?

A sinner is a son of the devil and has the nature of the devil and lives in darkness without God (impie) and is prideful, rebelle, and disobedient and refuses to submit to God and the law of the Kingdom of God that represents the will of God. 

Therefore a sinner, who has a carnal mind can’t please God, because the sinner is not willing to submit to the law of God (Romains 8:6-8)

A sinner lives outside the will of God and is not saved. Therefore if you say, that you are a sinner and keep doing those things, qui vont à l’encontre de la volonté de Dieu, you are not redeemed from the death, and sin and death still reign in your flesh. Puisque le fruit de la mort est le péché.

If you can’t say that you are righteous and have become a saint, which means that through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and by His blood you have been made righteous and have been separated from the world unto God, then you don’t have the Holy Spirit and don’t belong to Him.

Why do they preach that you always remain a sinner?

The problem is that many preachers who preach from the pulpit are carnal (homme naturel) and refuse to lay down their flesh. Therefore they adjust the words of God in such a subtle manner, so that it may seem that the pious doctrine, that they always remain sinners,  is coming from God and make them look humble, mais en réalité, it’s fausse humilité and a prideful doctrine that leads to rebellion against God and disobedience to the will of God. And so they use this doctrine as an excuse, so that they can stay the way they are and keep living in lasciviousness after the flesh and persevere in sin.

And because believers don’t read and study the Word of God by themselves, but believe the words of preachers, the believers have become indifferent towards sin and have accepted sin, due to the fact that they think they are sinners and that they will always remain sinners.

Des pasteurs conduisent les brebis dans l'abîme

À cause de cet état d’esprit, they will not repent and remove the sins from their lives and walk after the will of God, but they keep walking after the flesh and persevere in sin.

Because how can you walk holy and righteous as a son of God if you believe that you are a sinner?

They also preach this doctrine to new visitors of the church. They are being told that it doesn’t matter how you live and that you don’t have to change, because God loves you just the way you are.

And so they live by faith in the humanistic love of the world in enmity with God as workers of iniquity. And although they believe they are saved through their humanistic way of life and works, they are not saved. Parce que la Parole dit, that the ungodly; pécheurs, are not saved but for them is the blackness of darkness forever reserved (Jude).

Although preachers say that you always remain a sinner and that it doesn’t matter how you live, God says something else in His Word, namely that it does matter how you live.

Dieu aime les gens, but God doesn’t love the sin of people and therefore God gave His Son to redeem man from the power of sin and death and to justify man and reconcile man with Him, par la foi et la régénération en Christ. 

Es-tu toujours un pécheur?

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us(1 John 1:8-10)

As long as a person doesn’t repent and become born again by faith in Jesus Christ and the conviction of sin, the person remains a sinner and lives separated from God.

Chaque personne, who is born on earth is born in sin and iniquity and is a sinner. No one is excluded. Not even when you are born of the seed of Israel or have been raised in a Christian home.

No one has been made righteous because of that. A person can only be made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him. There is no other Way to God and eternal life than through Jesus Christ.

Peu importe ce que les gens disent, the Word is very clear about this matter. Et finalement, the Word decides where you will spend eternity.

God is light and in Him is no darkness

Tel est donc le message que nous avons entendu de lui, et vous déclare, que Dieu est lumière, et en Lui il n’y a pas de ténèbres du tout. Si nous disons que nous sommes en communion avec Lui, et marcher dans l’obscurité, Nous mentons, et ne faites pas la vérité: Mais si nous marchons dans la lumière, comme Il est dans la lumière, Nous sommes en communion les uns avec les autres, et le sang de Jésus-Christ, son Fils, nous purifie de tout péché (1 John 1:5-7)

Que dirons-nous alors? Devons-nous continuer dans le péché, que la grâce puisse abonder? Dieu pardonne. Comment allons-nous, qui sont morts au péché, y vivre plus longtemps? Tu ne sais pas, que beaucoup d'entre nous qui ont été baptisés en Jésus-Christ ont été baptisés dans sa mort? C'est pourquoi nous sommes enterrés avec Lui par le baptême dans la mort: que comme Christ a été ressuscité des morts par la gloire du Père, même ainsi, nous devrions aussi marcher en nouveauté de vie.

Le Saint-Esprit reprend le monde

Car si nous avons été plantés ensemble à la ressemblance de sa mort, nous serons aussi à l'image de sa résurrection: Sachant cela, que notre vieil homme est crucifié avec lui, afin que le corps du péché soit détruit, que désormais nous ne devons plus servir le péché. Car celui qui est mort est libéré du péché (Romains 6:1-7)

If you are convicted of your sins and repent and become born again in Christ, then from that moment you have been made righteous and no longer belong to the devil and the world, but you belong to God and the Kingdom of Heaven.

You are no longer a sinner, who is blinded in his mind and lives in the lie in darkness in bondage to sin and death, but through the power of the blood of Christ and the death of the flesh and resurrection of the spirit, you have been made righteous and have become a saint, who is enlightened in his mind and lives in the truth in the Light in the freedom of the Spirit and the Life and reigns over sin and death.

Que s'est-il passé dans le domaine spirituel, namely the justification of man and the reconciliation between man and God, shall become visible in the natural realm, through the immediate change in the life of the person and by repousser le vieil homme et mettre le nouvel homme.

Le processus de sanctification

Mes petits enfants, these things write I unto you, afin que vous ne péchiez pas. And if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And He is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. And hereby we do know that we know Him, si nous gardons ses commandements. Celui qui dit, Je le connais, and keeps not His commandments, est un menteur, Et la vérité n’est pas en lui. But whoso keepeth His word, en lui est vraiment parfait l’amour de Dieu: hereby know we that we are in Him. He that saith he abides in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked (1 John 2:1-6).

Mais maintenant, être libéré du péché, et devenir serviteurs de Dieu, Vous avez votre fruit pour la sainteté, et la fin la vie éternelle. Car le salaire du péché, c’est la mort; mais le don de Dieu, c’est la vie éternelle par Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur (Romains 6:22-23)

During the process of sanctification and spiritual maturity, when you grow up into the image of Christ and walk as He walked, you can (unconsciously) make a mistake. But the Holy Spirit shall immediately confront you and correct you, whereby you have the ability to ask forgiveness and repent 

This doesn’t mean that you consciously keep making mistakes and use the grace of God and the blood of Jesus Christ as a permit for the flesh to live a lascivious life and give yourself to idolatry and (sexuel) uncleanness and the lusts of the flesh.

Because if you want to live a lascivious life and love the things you do and want to persevere in sin and don’t want to yield to Jesus Christ; the Word and keep His commandments, then you are not born again in Christ and don’t have the Spirit of God dwelling in you and don’t walk in the love of God, but you have the spirit of the world and walk in the love of man and the world (Oh. Romains 6:1-7, 1 John 3:6-10).

A sinner or a saint

Car comme par la désobéissance d’un seul homme, plusieurs sont devenus pécheurs, so by the obedience of One shall many be made righteous (Romains 5:19)

You are born as a sinner and if you are not born again in Christ, you are still a sinner and live separated from God and belongs to the world, and sin and death still reign in your life.

But if you are born again in Christ and the Holy Spirit dwells in you, then you are no longer a sinner, but you have been made righteous in Jesus Christ through His blood and have become the righteousness of God; un saint, who is devoted to God.

Es-tu toujours un pécheur? If you say that you are a sinner, un fils du diable, who has the nature of the devil and live outside the will of God and don’t belong to Him, then it’s time to repent, so that you will be made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ and become a new creation through regeneration and be reconciled with God and receive Gods nature and walk as a son of God after the Spirit in His will and inherit eternal life

Because a sinner is not saved and as long as the mindset in the church will be that man is a sinner and will always remain a sinner, people shall live as sinners and walk after the flesh and persevere in sin and live in rebellion against God.

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