
What’s the role of an armor-bearer?

Jonathan climbed up upon his hands and upon his feet, and his armor bearer after him: and they fell before Jonathan; and his armor-bearer slew after him(1 塞缪尔 14:13)

The armor-bearer is in the service of his lord. He carries his armor and does what his lord commands him to do. The armor-bearer knows, that he is subordinate to his lord. He is not important, but his lord is important. It’s not about his will and what he wants, but it’s all about what his lord wants.

Although the armor-bearer is subordinate to his lord, he plays an important role in the battle. The lord and his armor bearer each have their task to do in the battle.

What are the characteristics of an armor-bearer?

The first characteristic of an armor bearer is that an armor bearer follows his lord. Wherever his lord goes to, his armor bearer follows him and will not leave the side of his lord.

The second characteristic of an armor bearer is that an armor bearer is always obedient to his lord, in all things.

在 1 塞缪尔 14, we read about the battle, between the people of Israel and the Philistines.

image armor with title armor of light

Jonathan stepped out of the army of 600 people and commanded his armor-bearer to come with him and fight against the Philistines.

Jonathan commanded his armor-bearer to come, and his armor-bearer immediately obeyed his lord.

The armor-bearer didn’t think about it. He didn’t argue with his lord and didn’t question him. He didn’t say to Jonathan, “Jonathan, are you sure? Is this the right thing to do? Why don’t we wait until the others go, so we can all go together and attack the Philistines?

不, the armor-bearer didn’t say that. The armor-bearer was willing and obeyed his lord and went with him. Because he trusted his lord completely. The armor-bearer knew that his lord had the knowledge, 智慧, and insight, to make the right decisions.

Jonathan commanded his armor-bearer twice to come. Both times his armor-bearer obeyed Jonathan and came.

The second time, that Jonathan commanded his armor-bearer to come with him, the armor-bearer said, “Do all that is in your heart: turn thee; 看, I am with you according to your heart.

The armor-bearer obeys and follows his lord

Whatever Jonathan decided to do, his armor-bearer obeyed and followed him. Jonathan made his plans known to his armor-bearer and made him partaker of his mission.

When Jonathan climbed up to the Philistines, his armor-bearer followed him and stayed in his shadow. Jonathan had authority, and as long as his armor-bearer stayed in his shadow, he shared this authority with him. But as soon as the armor-bearer would leave his shadow, he would be on his own and lost his authority.

The armor-bearer wouldn’t have any authority anymore, because he was the armor-bearer and not lord.

Then came the best moment of their cooperation, 即, the moment that Jonathan and his armor-bearer attacked the Philistines and gained the victory. The Philistines fell before Jonathan and his armor-bearer slew after him and killed the Philistines. During their attack, they each had their own task and together they gained the victory. (另请阅读: 信仰, action, and victory).

A list of the characteristics of an armor-bearer

In the story of Jonathan and his armor bearer, we see the following characteristics of an armor bearer:

  • The armor-bearer’s life was in service of his lord
  • He obeyed his lord
  • He trusted his lord
  • He followed his lord
  • He stayed in the shadow of his lord
  • He fulfilled his task during their mission

What does it mean to be an armor bearer of Jesus Christ?

If you believe in Jesus Christ, are born again in Him, have become a new creation (新人), and made Jesus the Lord of your life, you are an armor bearer of Jesus Christ.

Just like Jonathan and his armor bearer were joined together and worked together, you are joined together with Jesus Christ and work together with Him.

black image water and cross with bible verse galatians 2-20 i am crucified with christ nevertheless I live yet not I but christ lives in me

All hosts, in heaven and on earth, are put under Jesus’ 脚. Jesus has all authority in the heavens and on earth! (哦. 马修 28:18, 以弗所书 1:19-23, 歌罗西书 2:10, 希伯来书 2:8).

Jesus came in the Name of His Father and stayed in His shadow, by speaking the words and doing the words that His Father told Him to speak and do. He stayed obedient to His Father until death.

Jesus finished God’s perfect redemptive work for humanity on earth, through His death on the cross, where He took all sins, sicknesses, and iniquities of the world upon Him and the penalty of sin which is death, 和 entered Hades and after three days Jesus rose as Victor from the dead.

借着他的救赎工作和他的血, He restored the position (state) of fallen man and reconciled man back to God.

Jesus took the keys (of authority) back from the devil and gave you the power to reign with Him, in His authority in the heavenly places. (另请阅读: Has Jesus bound the strong man, or do you have to bind the strong man?).

The armor bearer is a servant of his Lord

It all begins by giving up your own life. Jesus said this in all the four gospels:

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, 若有人来追随我, 让他否定自己, 并背起他的十字架, 并跟随我. 因为凡要救自己生命的,都会丧掉生命: 凡为我丧掉生命的,必得着生命 (马修 16:24-25)

当他和他的门徒呼召人们到他面前时,, 他对他们说, 凡要跟随我的人, 让他否定自己, 并背起他的十字架, 并跟随我. 因为凡要救自己生命的,都会丧掉生命; 但凡为我和福音的缘故丧掉生命的, 同样将拯救它 (标记 8:34-35)

因为凡要救自己生命的,都会丧掉生命: 但凡为我而丧命的人, 同样将拯救它 (卢克 9:24)

热爱生命的人终将失去生命; 恨恶今世生命的人,将使其永生. 如果有人侍奉我, 让他跟随我; 我在哪里, 我的仆人也将在那里: 如果有人侍奉我, him will My Father honour (约翰 12:25-26)

The armor bearer of Jesus gives up his own life

You can’t serve Jesus without giving up your own life. Why not? Because you will not be able to follow Jesus. A follower follows someone. When you want to follow your own will and do what pleases you, then you can’t follow someone else. Because the only person you want to follow is yourself.

There can’t be two lords in your life. There’s only one lord and one follower.

When you decide to follow Jesus Christ, it means that you have to give up your own will; your ‘自己‘’, and give your whole life to Him and yield to Him and become His servant. (另请阅读: 跟随耶稣会让你付出一切).

The armor bearer of Jesus obeys his Lord

When you give up your life and serve Jesus Christ, it means that you 爱他 and you shall obey Him and do His commandments. It doesn’t matter what you want to do, what you feel, or what you think. But it’s all about what Jesus wants and what Jesus thinks and what the Word says.

Just as Jesus did the will of His Father and walked in His commandments, so shall you do the will of Jesus and walk in 他的诫命.

If ye love Me, 遵守我的诫命 (约翰 14:15)

If ye keep My commandments, ye shall abide in My love; even as I have kept My Father’s commandments, and abide in His love (约翰 15:10)

如果有人侍奉我, 让他跟随我; 我在哪里, 我的仆人也将在那里: 如果有人侍奉我, him will My Father honour (约翰 12:26)

The armor bearer trusts his Lord

You can only follow Jesus if you believe in Him and fully trust the Lord. Faith is the foundation. When there is doubt in your heart, it is impossible to obey and follow Jesus and walk in the faith.

When you say, that you believe, then you should prove that by walking in faith and relying on Him. Because you can say that you believe, but your words and actions show if you really believe in Jesus and His words or not.

Trust in the Lord with all your heartand lean not unto your own understanding (箴言 3:5)

When you trust Him and don’t lean on your own understanding, then you shall be able to follow Him.

The armor bearer follows his Lord

Jesus commands you to follow Him. 所以, you should follow Him and His will, instead of following your own will. He gave you His Word. 现在, it’s all about what you do with His words.

When you take up your cross daily, which means that you submit your will and flesh to Him (这个单词), His will and follow Him, you shall be His armor-bearer.

And he said to them all, 若有人来追随我, 让他否定自己, 并每日背起他的十字架, 并跟随我 (卢克 9:23)

The armor bearer of Jesus stays in his Lord’s shadow

As long as you are seated in Jesus Christ and stay in His shadow, you walk in His authority and are protected.

But as soon as you leave His shadow and go your own way, you will have no authority over principalities, 权力, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

There are two shadows in which you can live. You can live in the shadow of the Most High or the shadow of death.

The shadow of death

The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles; The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up (马修 4:15-16)

The shadow of the Most High

How excellent is Thy lovingkindness, 神啊! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Thy wings (诗篇 36:7)

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (诗篇 91:1)

For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 你们在他里面是完全的, which is the head of all principality and power (歌罗西书 2:9-10)

As long as you stay in Jesus Christ; 这个单词, you shall walk in His shadow and His authority. When you walk in His authority, you shall have dominion over all hosts. (另请阅读: Walk in the dominion that God has given you).

The armor bearer has a task to accomplish

看哪, 我赋予你踩蛇和蝎子的力量, 并战胜敌人的一切力量: 任何事都不会伤害你 (卢克 10:19)

Jesus accomplished His task on earth, He bound the strong one; 恶魔. Jesus defeated the devil at the cross, and by His resurrection, He took the keys of authority back from him.

image bible and sword with bible verse luke 10-19 behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing will hurt you

To everyone, who believes in Him and has given up his or her life to serve and follow Jesus, He has given power (authority) over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt him or her.

Jesus has finished His work and is now seated on the right hand of God the Father.

Jesus has bound the strong one, 恶魔. 现在, it’s our job to spoil the house and set people free.

No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house (标记 3:27)

Both Jonathan and his armor bearer had a task to fulfill. Jonathan didn’t take these two tasks upon himself, so that the armor-bearer didn’t have to do anything. No, the Philistines fell before Jonathan and his armor-bearer had to kill the Philistines.

Jesus has given you a task to accomplish

You also have your own task to accomplish. Jesus has given you and all His armor bearers the following task:

And Jesus came and spake unto them, 说, All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, 并教导万民, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, 和儿子的, 和圣灵的: 教导他们遵守我吩咐你们的一切事情: 和, 罗, 我永远与你同在, 甚至到世界的尽头. 阿门 (马修 28:18-20).

相信并受洗的必然得救; but he that believes not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In My name shall they cast out devils; 他们会说新的语言; 他们必拿起蛇; 如果他们喝了任何致命的东西, 它不会伤害他们; 他们要按手在病人身上, 他们将会康复 (标记 16:16-18)

You can’t pray to God and expect Him to take over and do your part; your task. If that was the case, then what are we all doing here on earthBecause that would mean, that you don’t have to do anything anymore.

You can’t turn your task over to Him and expect Him to accomplish what you are supposed to do. You should fulfill the task that He has given you to do. Jesus has done His part, now you should do your part. That means action!

As long as your life is in the service of Jesus Christ and you yield to Him and obey Him, 相信他, 跟着他, 并留在他里面, then you shall be able to fulfill your task and fulfill God’s mission on earth.



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