Czym jest zbroja światła?

Every Christian, who by faith is born again in Jesus Christ by faith, is redeemed from the power of darkness and transferred into the light. The person doesn’t belong to the darkness anymore and shall not live in the kingdom of darkness, but the person belongs to the Light and shall live in the Kingdom of God. Through the change of sonship (from son of the devil to son of God), the change of nature (the nature of the devil to the nature of God) and the change of kingdom (the kingdom of darkness to Kingdom of God), the person shall put off the works of darkness, aby (S)he shall no longer walk in darkness and shall put on the armor of light, aby (S)he shall walk in the light. What does the Bible say about the armor of light? What is the armor of light in Romans 13:12? And what does it mean to put on the armor of light?

Put off the works of darkness and put on the armor of of light

Noc jest daleko spędzona, Dzień jest na wyciągnięcie ręki: Odrzućmy więc uczynki ciemności, i przywdziejmy zbroję światła. Chodźmy uczciwie, jak za dnia; nie w rozruchach i pijaństwie, nie w rozwiązłości i rozpustności, nie w kłótniach i zazdrości. Lecz przyobleczcie się w Pana Jezusa Chrystusa, i nie troszczcie się o ciało, to fulfill the lusts (Rzymianie 13:12-14)

The Day of the Lord is near. Dlatego, Już czas, że wszyscy, who says they believe, wakeup from their spiritual sleep and arise in Christ and walk in boldness after the Spirit in obedience to the Word in the light. 

Who is wiseDookoła nas, we see an increase of the power of darkness. More and more spiritual ground is being taken by the power of darkness, which is visible in the natural realm in nature and the lives of people. 

The main reasons for the increase of darkness are: the increase of apostasy, bezprawie, and the lukewarm state of people, who claim to be Christians.

Many believers don’t speak the truth and keep their mouths closed about the Truth in order to prevent conflicts or rejection by people.

Instead of standing on the Word, they compromise with the world and approve the works of darkness and even be partakers of the works of darkness.

There is hardly any distinction between good and evil and the majority of believers and unbelievers. Dlatego, it’s time that those, którzy mówią, że wierzą, get serious and show through their lives, that they believe in Jesus Christ; the Word and are sons of God (samce i samice), who don’t belong to the darkness; the world anymore, but belong to the Light.

Niech grzech nie króluje już w twoim życiu

Niech więc grzech nie panuje w twoim śmiertelnym ciele, abyście byli mu posłuszni w jego pożądliwościach. Nie oddajcie też członków waszych jako narzędzi nieprawości ku grzechowi: ale poddajcie się Bogu, jako ci, którzy z martwych są ożywieni, a członkowie wasi jako narzędzia sprawiedliwości dla Boga (Rzymianie 6:12-13)

Z uwagi na fakt, że, who keep walking in darkness and keep doing the works of darkness and obey and serve sin and death through their flesh, shall not walk in the light.

destroying the works of God instead of the works of the devilTe, who keep walking in darkness shall not be the light in the world.

They shall not be able to deliver others from the power of darkness, nor to teach them in the truth of the Word, since they are blinded and walk in darkness and sin still reigns as king in their lives.

But the Word commands everyone, to put off the works of darkness and no longer walk after the lusts of the flesh, but to walk as children of light, putting on the armor of light and yielding their members as instruments of righteousness unto God. 

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, ale raczej ich skarć. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light (Efezjan 5:11-13)

The Word commands, to not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but to reprove the works of darkness by the truth.

Odłóż starego

Umartwiajcie więc członki wasze, które są na ziemi; cudzołóstwo, nieczystość, Nadmierne uczucia, zła pożądliwość, i chciwość, co jest bałwochwalstwem: Do jakich rzeczy’ bo bowiem gniew Boży przychodzi na synów nieposłuszeństwa: W którym też przechadzaliście się przez jakiś czas, when ye lived in them. But now ye also put off all these; gniew, gniew, złośliwość, bluźnierstwo, Brudna komunikacja z twoich ust. Nie kłamcie jedni drugim, Skoro zrzuciliście z siebie starca jego uczynkami; I przyoblekli się w nowego człowieka, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created Him (Kolosan 3:5-10)

Teraz dzieła ciała są jawne, które to są; Cudzołóstwo, cudzołóstwo, nieczystość, lubieżność, Bałwochwalstwo, czary, nienawiść, zmienność, emulacje, gniew, walka, bunty, herezje, Zazdrość, morderstwa, pijaństwo, biesiady, i tym podobne: z tego, o czym mówiłem wcześniej, jak już mówiłem wam w przeszłości, aby ci, którzy takie rzeczy czynią, nie odziedziczyli królestwa Bożego(Galatów 5:19-22)

Stary człowiek jest ukrzyżowany w ChrystusieTo odłóż starego is an action that every believer is supposed to do. No one can do it for you. Not even God.

God has given you in Christ all authority and power to resist the devil and resist sin; the works of darkness. 

After Jesus Christ, syn boży, was baptized in water by Jan Chrzciciel and received the Holy Spirit by the Father, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to the wilderness.

Na pustkowiu, Jesus was tempted by the devil for forty days. During those forty days, Jesus learned to stay posłuszny to His Father and resist the devil and all his temptations.

Jesus didn’t compromise and didn’t bow for the devil, but Jesus only bowed for His Father, by staying faithful and obedient to His Father and His will.

And just like Jesus, the sons of God should also walk in obedience to the Word and the Holy Spirit, to resist the devil and don’t give into his deceptions and temptations, which lead to sin.

And that’s only feasible, if you kochać Boga z całego serca, dusza, mind and strength and know His will and yield yourself to His will, zupełnie jak Jezus, Who loved His Father with all His heart, dusza, mind and strength and knew His Father’s will and yielded Himself to the will of the Father.

What is the will of God?

For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God: That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, ale Bóg, who hath also given unto us His Holy Spirit (1 Tesaloniczan 4:3-8)

And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes, and ye shall keep My judgments, i rób je (Ezechiel 36:27)

I nie upodabniajcie się do tego świata: ale przemieniajcie się przez odnowienie umysłu, abyście mogli przekonać się, co jest dobre, i akceptowalne, i doskonałe, Wola Boża (Rzymianie 12:2)

Through the resurrection of the spirit from the dead and the baptism with the Holy Spirit, God’s will is written in the mind and heart of the new man. Jednakże, Cielesny umysł, which is not renewed with the Word and thinks like the world, can become an hindrance in the life of the believer and ensure that (S)he keeps walking in disobedience to the Word in unbelief.

But by the renewing of the mind ze Słowem Bożym, the new man gets to know the Father and His will.

Through the love for God and by faith in God and His Word, the person shall obey the words of God and apply His words in his or her life and walk after the words of God and abide in the Word. Through obedience to God, the person shall walk in love after the will of God.


Dlatego, bracia, jesteśmy dłużnikami, nie dla ciała, żyć według ciała. Bo jeśli według ciała żyć będziecie, tak, umrze: jeśli jednak przez Ducha umartwiacie sprawy ciała, będziecie żyć. Albowiem tylu, ilu prowadzi Duch Boży, są synami Bożymi. Albowiem nie otrzymaliście znowu ducha niewoli do bojaźni; ale otrzymaliście Ducha przysposobienia synowskiego, przez co płaczemy, Abba, Ojciec (Rzymianie 8:12-15)

Każda osoba, who has żałował and has become a new creation in Jesus Christ shall go through the process of sanctification. Even when you are raised in a Christian family, you shall go through the process of sanctification after you’ve become born again, Za pośrednictwem Chrzest w wodzie and the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

During the process of uświęcenie, you shall put off the works of darkness and put off the old man, who has the nature of the devil and shall put on the armor of light and put on the new man and be clothed with Jesus Christ.

W Nim nie ma grzechu, kto w Nim trwa, nie grzeszyYou shall no longer do the works of the flesh, but through the Spirit, you shall kill the works of the flesh and do the works of the Spirit, which produces life and peace.

You shall no longer listen to the lusts and desires of your flesh, that command you to love yourself and the world and reject the words of God, to lie, to rebel, to commit adultery, do rozwód, to watch Porno, to commit fornication and have sexual relationships with someone of the same gender, multiple persons, yourself, someone, kto nie jest twoim małżonkiem, children or animals.

You shall no longer listen to your flesh, that commands you to get involved with strange religions and/or (Wschodni) filozofie, czary, wróżbiarstwo, do consult spirits, to walk in pride, to envy others and be jealous, pić, kraść, to hate, zabić, to be pamiętliwy towards others, to recompense evil for evil, itp..

Because according to the Word, all these works are works of darkness that belong to the old man; the sinner and no longer belong in the life of the new man, who has been made holy and righteous by the blood of Jesus and regeneration in Him.

Wszyscy, who has been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.t (Galatów 3:26-27)

The new man is clothed with Christ. Dlatego, the spiritual transformation of the starzec into the new man should become visible in the natural realm in the life of the new man. Nowy człowiek, who has been made in the image of the Creator, shall put on Jesus Christ; the Word and shall walk in the light; in the truth of God, in the armor of light.

When you have become the new man, you shall walk after the Spirit and shall love God with all your heart, dusza, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself, which means that you shall serve no other gods and have no idols, you shall not commit spiritual adultery with other religions and/or philosophies, and shall not commit witchcraft, cudzołóstwo, cudzołóstwo, kłamstwo, kraść, zabić, envy etc. 

How do you put on the armor of light?

You will put on the armor of light, by yielding to Jesus Christ; the Word and the Holy Spirit and do what is written in the Word. As long as you stay faithful to Jesus Christ and walk after the will of the Father you shall do righteous works; the works of light and shall walk in righteousness.

The path of righteousness is not the path of the world. It’s a narrow path and only few shall find it or keep walking on this path (Mateusz 7:14). Everything depends on your love for Jesus Christ and the Father.

Only if you are born again in Christ and love God with all your heart, dusza, umysł, and strength and stay obedient to the Word and the Holy Spirit and walk by faith in righteousness after the will of God, you shall be able to:

  • resist all the temptations of the devil,
  • fulfill your task in the Kingdom of God on earth,
  • be a witness of Jesus Christ,
  • do the works of light,
  • and stand in the faith.

„Bądź solą ziemi”

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