L'auteur du salut éternel

Jésus Christ, le Fils du Dieu vivant, was the Firstborn de la nouvelle création. Jesus showed us what obedience to the Father means. Although Jesus was the Son of God, et l’est toujours, Jesus didn’t learn obéissance to His Father in the comforts of life and through easy circumstances and situations. Dans l’épître aux Hébreux 5:8-9 it is written that Jesus learned obedience to His Father by the things which He suffered, and being made perfect, Jesus became the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him. What does it mean Jesus is the Author of eternal salvation? How did Jesus become the Author of eternal salvation?

Jesus didn’t have a privileged position

Qui, aux jours de sa chair, quand il avait offert des prières et des supplications avec de forts cris et des larmes à Celui qui pouvait le sauver de la mort, et a été entendu dans la mesure où il craignait; though He were a Son, mais il a appris l'obéissance par les choses qu'il a souffertes; And being made perfect, He became the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him (Hébreux 5:7-9)

Although Jesus was the Son of God, Jesus didn’t have a privileged position. God didn’t spare His Son Jesus from difficult circumstances, tentations, trials, persécution, résistance, hate of the world, rejet, false accusations, etc..

But Jesus had to go through these sufferings, so that Jesus would not only experience the same things as any human being, but Jesus would also learn obedience to His Father.

Jesus went through a lot and suffered a great deal because of the Name of God and His love for His Father (Lire aussi: The suffering and mocking of Jesus Christ).

Jesus could have walked away and become disobedient to His Father, by listening to the words of the devil and obeying the devil, and serving the devil, by giving in to the lusts and desires of the flesh. If Jesus had done that, Jesus would be loved by the world.

But Jesus didn’t listen to the words of the devil and didn’t give in to the lusts and desires of the flesh.

Jesus didn’t bow to the temptations of the devil and his wonderful promises and wasn’t influenced by people. Plutôt, Jesus chose to stay faithful and obedient to the words of His Father (Lire aussi: Je te donnerai les richesses du monde).

Jesus didn’t run away

Et être trouvé dans la mode en tant qu'homme, Il s'est humilié, et je suis devenu obéissant jusqu'à la mort, même la mort de la croix (Philippiens 2:8)

Jesus didn’t hide and didn’t run away. But Jesus faced his adversaries, including the devil, and went through difficult circumstances and experienced hardships. Jesus drank the cup of sufferings, which His Father had given Him to drink.

Because Jesus loved God with all His heart, âme, esprit, et la force, Jesus stayed obedient to His Father and went the way of sufferings.

Because of God’s love for man, God sent Jesus to the earth. And because of Jesuslove for the Father and for mankind, and His obedience to His Father, Jesus fulfilled God’s mission and Jesus became the Author of eternal salvation for fallen man (Lire aussi: Jésus a restauré la position de l'homme déchu).

Jesus became the Author of eternal salvation to those, who obey Him

Jesus didn’t become the Author of eternal salvation to everyone. But Jesus only became the Author of eternal salvation to those, who obey Him; le mot (John 1:12). The part ‘unto all them that obey Himis often left out and not mentioned, causing many to end up being deceived. But obedience to Jesus Christ is a requirement of eternal salvation.

Only to those, who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and repent and become born again and yield themselves fully to Jesus by obeying His words, to those Jesus is the Author of eternal salvation.

He that hears My wordsIf you really believe in Jesus and love Jesus, then you shall show your faith in Him and love for Him, by doing what Jesus has commanded you to do.

You shall listen to Jesus and obey and do the words of Jesus, which are the same words as the words of the Father (Lire aussi: Les commandements de Dieu contre les commandements de Jésus).

Mes brebis entendent Ma voix, et je les connais, et ils Me suivent (John 10:27)

If ye love me, garde mes commandements (John 14:15)

Si vous gardez mes commandements, vous demeurerez dans mon amour; même si j'ai gardé les commandements de mon Père, et demeure dans son amour (John 15:10)

If you listen to His words and obey His words, you show by your deeds and your life that you truly love Jesus and that you are born of God and belong to Him.

Suffer because of the Name of Jesus

But just like Jesus, you shall not have a privileged position on earth. You shall go through difficult situations and suffer because of the Name of Jesus and learn obedience to Jesus Christ and the Father. Just like Jesus went through sufferings to learn obedience to His Father.

For it became Him for whom are all things, and by Whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings (Hébreux 2:11)

Bien-aimé, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; que, when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part He is evil spoken of, but on your part He is glorified. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters. Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf (1 Pierre 4:12-16)

For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation. And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation (2 Corinthiens 1:5-7)

You shall love the words of Jesus

If you love Jesus and suivre Jésus, you shall love His words and follow His words, instead of loving the words of the world and following the words of the world.

You shall believe what the Word says, instead of what the world says.

Instead of belonging to the world and keep walking as the world and participating in sin, you shall belong to God and by staying obedient to Jesus Christ, you shall separate yourself from the world unto God and not be a partaker of sin.

Bien que vous viviez dans le monde, you shall no longer walk like the world in unrighteousness, but you shall walk in righteousness. Because your nature has changed through regeneration and therefore you don’t want to walk like the world anymore.

God loves you, but the world hates you

You shall speak the words of God and shall do what the Word tells you to do and you shall walk in righteousness. À cause de ça, the world will not like you anymore and you will be hated for saying and doing things that diametrically oppose the words and opinions of the world.

As long as you stay obedient to Jesus Christ and walk in righteousness you shall be the light of the world and you shall expose the works of darkness (le péché et l'iniquité). Even without saying anything, you shall testify that their works are evil (John 3:19-20; 7:7).

But this shouldn’t come as a surprise, since Jesus said, that if you decide to believe in Jesus Christ and become a follower of Christ and obey His words, you will become an enemy of the world.

That’s because you shall no longer walk as you did before your repentance and before you became a new creation, as a son of the devil, qui appartient au monde. You don’t have the mind of the world, but by the renouvellement de votre esprit avec la Parole, you have the mind of Christ. Therefore you shall no longer think, speak and act like the world. But you shall walk as a son of God on this earth, who thinks, speaks, and acts as the Word.

Walking in obedience to Jesus; le mot

You shall represent Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God on earth and produce much fruit for the Kingdom of God, by bringing salvation to the people, who are lost and reconciling them through Jesus Christ and His work of redemption and by His blood, à Dieu. So that Jesus becomes the Author of eternal salvation for them.

You shall give them the Life you possess and redeem them and make them whole by the words you speak. You shall teach them in the Word and make them grow up into mature sons and daughters of God. So that Jesus and the Father will be glorified and exalted, by your obedience to Jesus Christ and your life as a son or daughter of God and through the salvation of many souls.

'Soyez le sel de la terre’

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