Берегитесь, чтобы кто-нибудь не испортил вас философией и тщеславным обманом., по традиции мужчин, после зачатков мира, и не после Христа (Колоссянам 2:8)
Paul warned the saints at Colosse again for man, who would try to move them away from Jesus Christ and would rob them from the Truth through their philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men and after the rudiments of the world, instead of Christ.
Paul wanted them to stay faithful to Jesus Christ and walk in Him instead of becoming prey and being robbed from the way of Christ, through false doctrines of man coming from a carnal mind, and become a slave of the devil again and live under his authority and rulership and be led by the flesh and the rudiments of the world.
Because that’s what the word ‘spoil’ means. The word ‘spoil’ is translated from the Greek word ‘sulagōgeō’ and means:
- to lead away as booty, то есть (в переносном смысле) seduce, spoil (to strip, to rob), (СК (G4812))
- to carry off as spoil, lead captive (словарь Вайна)
- To carry off booty, to carry one off as a captive (and slave), to lead away from the truth and subject to one’s sway (Thayer’s Greek lexicon)
The wisdom of this world
Ибо проповедь о кресте – для погибающих безумием; а для нас, спасенных, это сила Божия. Ибо написано, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? Ибо после этого в премудрости Божией мир премудростью не познал Бога, Богу угодно было безумием проповеди спасти верующих (1 Коринфянам 1:18-21)
Но природный человек не принимает того, что от Духа Божия.: ибо они для него безумие: и он не может их знать, потому что они духовно различимы (1 Коринфянам 2:14)
The wisdom of this world, the philosophy of man, которое происходит от плотского ума, diametrically opposes the wisdom of God. Therefore the words of the world diametrically oppose the words of God and can’t go together.
Although some people dispute and contradict this and say that they can go together, the Word is very clear. Because it is written that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God and that the wisdom of God is foolishness to the world.
That’s because carnal wisdom is inspired by the ruler of this world and spiritual wisdom is inspired by God.
It’s up to you who and whose words you believe? Do you believe the people and the words of people or do you believe God and the words of God? (Читайте также: ‘‘Do the Bible and science go together?')
Unfortunately many times, people listen more to what other people say and fill their minds with the words of people, then they listen to God and fill and renew their minds with His words. Из-за этого, the people are rooted in the world and walk on the broad way of the world instead of being rooted in the Word and walk on the narrow way of Christ.
Половое созревание, a covering for the spirit of rebellion
Ибо бунт подобен греху колдовства, а упрямство – как беззаконие и идолопоклонство (1 Самуэль 15:23)
When we look at puberty, например, medical science says, that teenagers go through puberty and that rebellion is part of puberty. There’s nothing you can do about it, you only have to condone it and show empathy for the rebellious teenager.
But the Word of God calls it rebellious behavior and that rebellious behavior is not from God and is a sin.
Rebellious behavior is a characteristic of the devil’s nature (the devil became rebellious against God in the heavenly garden of Eden).
If a teenager is rebellious, the teenager has a rebellious spirit, who refuses to submit and disobey parents.
When this spirit of rebellion is cast out in the Имя Иисуса, the teenager will behave ‘normal’ again and won’t be rebellious.
The world operates in the natural realm and believes in a natural cause, while the Word operates in the spiritual realm and believes in a spiritual cause.
Why do you have to renew your mind?
Когда ты рождаешься свыше и становишься новым творением, у тебя все еще плотский разум мира. Therefore it is important to обновляют ум, as quickly as possible, so that your mind will be transformed and you will get the mind of Christ.
When your mind is renewed with the Word of God, and you obey and apply the words of God, you shall be rooted in the Word, and think like the Word, and walk as a son of God in the will of God on earth.
As long as your mind is not renewed or only partially renewed, you will struggle with faith and shall hesitate, сомневаться, strive, and/or stumble, и т. д.. because the part of your mind that still thinks like the world, will strive against the part of your mind that is renewed with the Word of God.
Почему вам нужно охранять свой разум?
Когда вы обновляете свой разум Словом Божьим, it’s important to guard your mind and prevent that the words of God will be robbed from your mind and the knowledge and wisdom of the world will settle in your mind and reign as king in your mind.
When you allow the wisdom and the knowledge of the world into your mind, your carnal mind shall be empowered and become stronger, but your faith shall be affected and become weaker.
Как результат, you may start to doubt the words of God because the world says something else.
Take for example creationism vs evolution. Есть много верующих, who started to doubt the Word and the truth that God created the heaven and the earth and all there is within, in six days and that God rested on the seventh day, because of the philosophy and statement of man and the so-called scientific proof (Читайте также: ‘Сотворил ли Бог небо и землю за шесть дней?').
Therefore you have to guard your eyes and your eyes and be cautious about what you watch, что ты читаешь, and to whom you listen. Even if it may seem innocent, the truth is that nothing is innocent. Because behind all that innocence lies destruction.
Beware of man’s philosophy and vain deceit
Paul was familiar with the devil and his works. He was familiar with people, who stood in the service of the ruler of this world and were filled with the wisdom of this world, and came with their own philosophy and vain deceit after the traditions of man and the rudiments of this world and try to mislead the saints and led them astray.
Therefore Paul warned the saints to stay watchful and remain steadfast on the Word and следовать за Иисусом Христом.
The devil still walks about as a roaring lion, trying to tempt and mislead the sons of God and devour and silence them.
Здесь много церквей, who have been spoiled through the lives of people and the philosophy and vain deceit after the traditions of men and the rudiments of this world and have adopted the words, принципы, методы, стратегии, and elements of the world in the church service; the music, молитва, sermons, and Bible studies, pastoral care, и т. д..
The sermons about the cross, the blood of Jesus Christ, покаяние, регенерация, Святой Дух, новый человек, освящение, and judgment have been replaced by motivational sermons and uplifting words, which are focused on the natural man (плоть).
A self-centered gospel instead of a Christ-centered gospel
The believers have become the center of attention and the gospel has become a self-centered gospel, instead of a Christ-centered gospel. It is all about ‘self’ и carnal prosperity and wealth.
During the church service, all kinds of natural methods and means are used to make church services attractive for the carnal visitors of the church and to create a pleasant atmosphere and provide a positive experience and happy feelings. But if people rely on the flesh and on natural methods and means, then God withdraws Himself.
Even the words of God are being changed and adjusted to the will and похоти и желания плоти. But if a preacher says something, that may seem spiritual and pious, but doesn’t line up with the Word and contradict the will of God, then these words should be rejected.
Оставайся верным Иисусу Христу; Живое Слово Божье, and don’t be misled through false doctrines, which derive from the carnal mind. Because of the fact that many churches have not remained watchful, but allowed false doctrines, философия человека, and vain deceit in the church, многие церкви находятся во тьме, instead of the light.
Therefore stay awake andbe watchful and hold on to Jesus Christ; the Word and let the Word always be the highest authority in your life.
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