Porque los labios de una mujer extraña caen como un panal, y su boca es más suave que el aceite: Pero su final es amargo como el ajenjo., Afilado como una espada de dos filos (Proverbios 5:3,4)
The son should attend unto the wisdom of his father and obey Him. The father warns his son, for the strange woman, the woman who doesn’t know the Lord. The strange woman seems so beautiful, she has a beautiful and charismatic appearance and uses seducing words. It doesn’t seem so wrong to date her, and have a relationship with her. But as soon as you shall give into her, then her end shall be bitter as wormwood, and sharp as a two-edged sword.
Solomon wrote this proverb, he knew that it was wrong to have a relationship with strange women. He wrote many times about the strange woman. Solomon became unfaithful to the Lord, and what was the cause of it? Así es: strange women.
Strange women, caused his fall. He experienced, that the end of a strange woman is bitter as wormwoord, and sharp as a two-edged sword. Solomon had a weakness for these strange women. He knew it wasn’t right to have a relationship with them, but he did it anyway. He obeyed them, en lugar de dios.
Don’t let the strange woman seduce you
How many godly people today, are being seduced by beautiful women or men? How many people are being blinded by their looks, or by their charming words, and are seduced by them? How many people look at the outward appearance, instead of the inward appearance and the spiritual connection in the Lord?
When a Christian is carnal and walks after the flesh, then the outward appearance (the looks) of someone, and the physical (sexual) attraction is very important. It is often more important for them, then the spiritual aspect.
When a Christian makes a decision based upon the outward appearance, entonces (s)he could make the biggest mistake of his/her life. When a marriage is based upon the outward appearance (the looks, and physical (sexual) attraction), entonces podría ser, that the marriage could become a heavy yoke, and will not last forever.
Therefore keep yourself, and stay obedient to God. Even in choosing your spouse. Don’t make a decision without Him, and when you do make a decision, you should make it on the basis of His Word; His advice.
Solomon didn’t listen to God, and went his own way. Don’t make the same mistake as he did. Don’t think that it will not happen to you. Don’t think that you are an exception, because you are not. What happened to Solomon, will also happen to you, when you chose to follow your own will, instead of the Father’s will.
'Sé la sal de la tierra’