Možda ste čuli za doktrinu nebeskih sudova ili sami pristupite nebeskim sudovima i zastupajte svoj slučaj(s) na nebeskim dvorovima. Many Christians access the courts of heaven and operate daily in the courts of heaven to present their case and unlock destinies. But where is it written in the Bible that Jesus operated in the courts of heaven or that He commanded His disciples to become advocates and plead their cases in the courts of heaven? Let’s look at what the Bible says about the courts of heaven and find out if this teaching is Scriptural or a false doctrine.
What does God say about the courts of heaven in the Bible?
Where does God speak about the courts of heaven in the Bible and about entering and operating in the courts of heaven to plead your case? God doesn’t say anything in the Bible about accessing the courts of heaven and operating in the courts of heaven.
God didn’t say anything about the courts of heaven in the Old Covenant or the New Covenant. Nor did God say anything in the Bible about Christians taking on the role of advocates and pleading their cases in the courts of heaven.
Što je Isus rekao o nebeskim dvorovima?
What did Jesus say about the courts of heaven in the Bible? Jesus didn’t say anything about the courts of heaven in the Bible. Nor do we read anything in the Bible about Jesus operating in the courts of heaven.
Isus nikada nije spomenuo nebeske dvorove svojim učenicima, a kasnije i svojoj Crkvi. He didn’t command His disciples to become advocates and plead their case in the courts of heaven. Čak ni kada su njegovi učenici zamolili Isusa da ih nauči kako se moliti.
Isus ništa nije skrivao. He revealed all things to His disciples. Jesus revealed the Kingdom of God, volja Božja, dolazak Duha Svetoga, Crkva i autoritet njegove Crkve, Posljednja vremena, Njegov povratak, mrak, Iskušenja i djela đavla, Duhovna borba, Sudnji dan, konačno odredište pravednika i konačno odredište nepravednih (Nevjernici).
If the courts of heaven existed, zar ne misliš da bi Isus rekao nešto o nebeskim dvorovima?? No Isus nije govorio o nebeskim dvorovima! Zašto? Jer nebeski dvorovi ne postoje!
Što su Isusovi apostoli i učenici rekli o nebeskim dvorovima?
Čak ni apostoli i učenici Isusa Krista nisu spominjali nebeske dvorove, where the Church of Christ is supposed to plead her case(s) as an advocate.
Nisu rekli ništa o pristupu nebeskim sudovima i izjašnjavanju svojih slučajeva kao odvjetnici na nebeskim sudovima. Zašto ne? Jer nebeski dvorovi ne postoje!
We have nothing to look for in imaginary heavenly courts. There is no place in the Bible where Jesus appointed His Church as advocate.
Je li vrag tužitelj? Da, đavao je Božji protivnik. Therefore the devil is also our adversary and remains our adversary until the devil is cast into the eternal lake of fire together with his minions and followers, koji su ga slušali i poslušali.
Ali do tada, Imamo protivnika, koji hoda okolo kao ričući lav, tražeći koga može proždrijeti.
The devil can accuse, bother, and attack people and tempt them to sin, budući da smo u duhovnom ratu. To znači, that we will always war against the devil and the principalities, ovlasti, Moć, Dominioni, i vladari tame.
Međutim, đavao ne može doći pred prijestolje Božje na nebu da optuži prave sinove Božje (ovo se odnosi i na muškarce i na žene).
As long as the sons of God walk after the Spirit in obedience to the Word in holiness and righteousness according to the will of God, they’ve nothing to fear. Zašto? Because the devil has nothing in them. (Pročitajte također: Može li vas đavao optužiti?)).
Zakon Duha života
Nikakve dakle sada osude onima koji su u Kristu Isusu, koji ne hodaju po tijelu, ali nakon Duha. Jer zakon Duha života u Kristu Isusu oslobodio me od zakona grijeha i smrti (Rimljani 8:1-2)
Zakon Duha života i zakoni Kraljevstva Božjeg, koje primjenjuju i predstavljaju Božju volju, stands forever. These laws have been made known by the Word and the Holy Spirit.
As long as Christians stay in Christ, through submission and obedience to the Word, i hodati po Duhu po volji Božjoj, they’re spiritually untouchable.
Isus je Put do Oca i utro je put do Svetinja
Nakon što je stoga, braća, smjelost da se krvlju Isusovom uđe u Svetinju, Novim i živim putem, koje je posvetio za nas, Kroz veo, to jest,, Njegovo tijelo; I imati velikog svećenika nad domom Božjim; Približimo se iskrenog srca u potpunoj sigurnosti vjere, da nam srce bude poškropljeno od zle savjesti, i naša tijela oprana čistom vodom (Hebrejima 10:19-22)
Isus Krist, our King and High Priest, has not paved the way to the courts of heaven. But Jesus is the Way to the Father. Jesus paved the way to the Holiest, where the throne of God is and Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of the Father and reigns as King (Oh. djela 5:31,-32; 7:56, Rimljani 8:32-36, Efežanima 1:20-23, Kološanima 3:1-4, Hebrejima 1:1-13; 8:1-2; 10:11-14; 12:2, 1 Petar 3:22.
Grešnici ne mogu doći u Svetinji. Only saints, koji su Njegovom krvlju postali sveti i pravedni u Kristu, can come in the Holiest.
Sveci, koji su nanovo rođeni u Kristu i imaju Duha Svetoga koji prebiva u njima i pripadaju Bogu, come boldly before the throne of God. They spend time with the Father in the stillness (Oh. Efežanima 3:12, Hebrejima 10:19-22).
Zašto molitve nisu uslišane?
Prihvaćena je ova doktrina o nebeskim sudovima, jer mnoge molitve nisu uslišane (dovoljno brzo).
Instead of Christians spending time in the Bible and prayer, communing with the Father, and listening to the voice of the Father and Jesus Christ, they search for written prayers, prayer techniques, and prayer strategies that are supposed to ensure that they quickly receive what they want. And so their prayers derive from a piece of paper instead of their hearts and the Spirit.
Mnogi misle da je ono za što se mole u skladu s Božjom voljom. Ali u stvarnosti, most prayers are soulish. They derive from the will of the flesh (Volja čovjeka) and are not according to the will of God.
Many Christians pray wrong because they pray from the lusts, želje, and the will of the flesh.
They pray vain prayers that don’t revolve around Jesus, the Kingdom of Heaven, and the will of the Father, but revolve around themselves and the things on the earth. Stoga, many prayers remain unanswered.
Nažalost, most Christians’ prayer lives revolve around receiving instead of spending time with the Father and listening to His voice.
Jesus often withdrew Himself in silence to be alone with His Father. Because Jesus loved His Father. He commanded His disciples to do the same. (Pročitajte također: Tajni molitveni život vjernika)
What did Jesus teach His disciples to pray?
I kad se moliš, Nećeš biti kao licemjeri: jer vole moliti stojeći u sinagogama i na uglovima ulica, da ih ljudi vide. Zaista vam kažem, Oni imaju svoju nagradu. Ali ti, kada se moliš, Uđi u svoju sobu, I kad zatvoriš svoja vrata, moli se Ocu svome koji je u skrovitosti; i tvoj Otac koji vidi u skrovitosti nagradit će te otvoreno. Ali kada se molite, Koristite ne uzaludna ponavljanja, Kao što to čine pogani: jer misle da će ih se čuti zbog njihovog mnogo govora. Ne budite dakle poput njih: jer vaš Otac zna što vam je potrebno, prije nego što ga zamolite.
Na ovaj način, dakle, molite: Oče naš, koji jesi na nebesima, Sveti se ime tvoje. Dođi kraljevstvo tvoje. Budi volja tvoja na zemlji, kao što je na nebu. Kruh naš svagdašnji daj nam danas.. I oprosti nam dugove naše, kao što mi opraštamo svojim dužnicima. I ne uvedi nas u iskušenje, ali izbavi nas od zla: Jer tvoje je kraljevstvo, i moć, i slava, zauvijek. Amen (Matej 6:5-13)
Kad je jedan od Isusovih’ učenici su ga zamolili da ih nauči moliti, Jesus said nothing about the courts of heaven and advocacy.
Zar ne misliš, that if the courts of heaven were real and this courts of heaven doctrine were true, Isus je svojim učenicima otkrio nebeske dvorove? He would have spoken about it instead of keeping them ignorant.
Jesus also didn’t mention anything about the courts of heaven to the seven churches. Zašto ne? Jer nebeski dvorovi ne postoje. They are an invention that derived from a vain carnal mind.
Are Christians having an identity crisis and wasting their time in the wrong place?
Vrag se smije. Instead of believers being witnesses and soldiers of Jesus Christ, who are taking their position in Christ, walking in the spiritual armor of God, becoming active and fighting in the heavenly army for Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, revealing and destroying sin and the works of the devil and deliver and save souls, believers have an identity crisis and are in the wrong place, gubljenje vremena u nebeskim dvorovima, where they have no business and operate in vain. (Pročitajte također: Destroying the works of God instead of the works of the devil).
It’s remarkable, that so many Christians don’t want to do, što im je Isus zapovjedio da čine. But Christians are eager to do what (poznati) religiozni ljudi im kažu da rade.
And so the devil succeeded in deceiving Christians and making the army of the Lord Jesus Christ passive and of none effect. While the devil can go ahead and continue his mission to steal, ubiti, and destroy and make the world stage ready for the coming of the antichrist.
Je li to đavao ili Duh Sveti?
Svaki vjernik, koji je postao sin Božji kroz preporod u Kristu (the death of the flesh, Uskrsnuće Duha od mrtvih, i prebivanje Duha Svetoga), ought to odloži starca and put on the new man; Isus Krist. Nitko, koji sebe naziva sinom Božjim (i muški i ženski) isključen je.
To je Božja volja, da mu se njegovi sinovi pokore i poslušaju ga, i hodite sveti i pravedni po njegovoj volji.
Ispravke, Upozorenja (Opomene), and chastisements are part of the process of sanctification and to mature spiritually. Jer whom the Lord loves He chastises.
Ako se odbijete pokoriti Božjoj volji i odbijate poslušati Njegovu Riječ, ali ustrajte u grijehu, tada djela koja činite i život koji živite dokazuju da ne pripadate Bogu, but you still belong to the devil and serve the devil through sin (Oh. Matej 7:15-20, 1 Ivan 3:4-11).
Puno ljudi, who live as the old creation and persevere in sin, Krivite vraga za sve, dok su odgovorni za stvari koje rade.
Đavao vas može iskušati na grijeh, Ali đavao te ne može prisiliti na grijeh. To radite sami.
osim toga, mnogi mrmljamo i cvilili, jer ih đavao optužuje. Ali je li to vrag, who accuses you when you do something that is against the will of God? Ili je to Duh Sveti, Tko vas suočava s vašim grijehom? Budući da Duh Sveti osvjedočuje za grijeh, pravednost, i sud i pozivi na pokajanje.
The devil wants people to live in sin
Đavlova je volja da svi ustraju u grijehu. Jer hoditi u grijehu znači pokoravanje i ropstvo đavlu, grijeh, i smrti.
The devil knows exactly how to tempt people. As long as people give into temptation and walk in sin, Tama vlada na zemlji, and the ruler of the world (vrag) can continue his destruction plan. (Pročitajte također: Je li misija đavla uspješna?)
What authority and power has a son of God?
I pristupi Isus i progovori im, izreka, Sva Mi je moć dana na nebu i na zemlji. Idite dakle, i pouči sve narode, krsteći ih u Ime Oca, i od Sina, i Duha Svetoga: Učeći ih da drže sve što sam vam zapovjedio: i, evo, Ja sam uvijek s tobom, čak do kraja svijeta. Amen (Matej 28:18-20)
But ye shall receive power, nakon toga silazi Duh Sveti na vas: i vi ćete mi biti svjedoci i u Jeruzalemu, i u cijeloj Judeji, i u Samariji, i do krajnjeg dijela zemlje (djela 1:8)
Ali Bog, koji je bogat milosrđem, zbog svoje velike ljubavi kojom nas je ljubio, Čak i kad smo bili mrtvi u grijesima, oživio nas je zajedno s Kristom, (Milošću ste spašeni;) I podigao nas je zajedno, i natjerao nas da sjedimo zajedno na nebeskim mjestima u Kristu Isusu: That in the ages to come He might shew the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus (Efežanima 2:4-7)
Ivan do sedam crkava koje su u Aziji: Milost neka vam je, i mir, od Njega koji je, i koji je bio, i koji će doći; i od sedam Duhova koji su pred Njegovim prijestoljem; I od Isusa Krista, tko je vjerni Svjedok, i prvorođenac od mrtvih, i Knez kraljeva zemaljskih. Onome koji nas je ljubio, i oprao nas od naših grijeha svojom vlastitom krvlju, I učinio nas je kraljevima i svećenicima Bogu i Ocu njegovu,; Njemu slava i vlast u vijeke vjekova. Amen (Otkrivenje 1:4-6)
The Bible says that Jesus Christ has all authority in heaven and on earth. Everyone who is born again in Christ and has become a son of God and is transferred from the darkness into the Kingdom of God, is seated in Christ and has received all the authority and all the power in Him (Oh. Matej 28:18-20, djela 1:8, Efežanima 1:15-22; 2:4-7, Kološanima 1:9-14; 2:9-10, Otkrivenje 1:4-6).
Isus je to učinio i dao sve! To je njegovim djelom i njegovom krvlju, a ne vašim djelima i vašim načinom života.
Isus je Kralj! Nije važno žele li ljudi vjerovati u to ili ne, to je činjenica.
Isus je Kralj i sjedi iznad svake moći, kneževina, moć, i vlast.
And those who are seated in Him are also seated above all power, kneževina, moć, i vlast i vladavina na zemlji iz njega.
Jer Crkva Kristova je Tijelo Kristovo (Kristova vladavina) Na zemlji. The Church of Christ represents His Kingdom and reigns from Christ, od Njegovog autoriteta i moći.
Ako se ponovno rodiš, Primio si svu vlast i svu moć protiv cijele neprijateljske vojske i ništa ti nikako neće nauditi!
Every believer has received the same power and authority in Christ
Ne postoje posebne ovlasti i položaji. There are no special levels of authority that you gain by your conduct in holiness before the Lord. God has given His Holy Spirit to His sons in fullness! I po vjeri u ime Isusa Krista, sinovi Božji vršit će svoja djela.
Jedno nije iznad drugog. Svaki je vjernik primio istu moć i isti autoritet u Kristu. Ali sve je u tome, vjerujete li u to ili ne.
As long as you think that you need a special authority or a special anointing or obtain a certain level, you will never walk in the fullness in Christ.
Carnal Christians should stop feeling important and exalt themselves above others and show off their so-called titles. Možete imati puno naslova, Ali ti naslovi ne dokazuju ništa.
Jesus didn’t show off and announced everywhere He came Who He was. Jesus didn’t boast in the fact that He was and is the Son of God. But Jesus walked as Son of God on earth, i svojim riječima i djelima Isus je pokazao tko je On.
Farizeji i pismoznanci bili su ti, koji su se podigli iznad naroda i pokazali svoje titule i položaje i svi znamo što je Isus rekao o njima (Pročitajte također: Razlika između Isusa i vjerskih vođa)
"Evo, Dajem vam moć da gazite na zmije i škorpije, i nad svom silom neprijatelja: i ništa vam neće nauditi"
I vratiše se sedamdesetorica s radošću, izreka, Gospodar, čak su nam i đavli pokorni kroz tvoje ime. I reče im, Gledao sam Sotonu kao munja kako pada s neba. Gle, Dajem vam moć da gazite na zmije i škorpije, i nad svom silom neprijatelja: i ništa te nikako neće povrijediti. Unatoč tome, ne radujte se, da su vam duhovi podložni; nego radije se radujte, jer su vaša imena zapisana na nebu (Luke 10:17-20)
U Starom savezu, Jesus sent first His 12 disciples and then 70 disciples and gave them all power and authority. They received the same power (autoritet) from Jesus. Jesus had not given Peter or John more power than Andrew or Philip. Even Judas received the same power as the other disciples.
Dobili su svu moć (autoritet) they needed to preach and bring the Kingdom of God to the people of the house of Israel and nothing would by any means hurt them.
This still applies to the sons of God, who are seated in Christ and represent, propovijedati, i donijeti Kraljevstvo Božje ljudima.
But because many false doctrines are preached and many Christians believe these false doctrines above the words of God, many Christians have become side-tracked.
They believe that they first need to receive a word, a special anointing or authority, or reach a certain level and get permission from God before doing something.
Zbog svih ovih lažnih nauka, many Christians have become afraid and doubtful to walk in authority and confront the devil and the powers of hell and death in prayer and fight against demonic powers.
Many Christians are afraid of retaliation and cast out demons
Many Christians are afraid of retaliation. Stoga they keep their mouth shut and pray only defensively. They pray humanistic prayers instead of being spiritual prayer warriors and pray offensively and destroy the works of the darkness and claim the people and areas for Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.
Many Christians are afraid to cast out demons. Because they’re afraid that demons will jump on them. Therefore they leave the demons alone and allow their destructive work in the lives of people.
But if Jesus Christ abides in you and you’re full of the Holy Spirit, then demons flee from you.
Isus je pobijedio đavla mačem Duha
Iako je Isus bio i jest Sin Božji, a Isus nije bio grešnik, Isus nije imao život na zemlji bez iskušenja, Borbe, proganjanje, i suffering. Baš suprotno, Isus’ life was full of struggles. Jesus was tempted and tested in all points, baš kao što smo mi. However Jesus didn’t sin.
The devil was constantly chasing Jesus trying to tempt Jesus to sin. But the devil failed. Isus je pobijedio đavla mačem Duha; Riječ Božja.
Isus nije pobijedio đavla djelujući u nebeskim dvorovima. But Jesus defeated the devil by knowing the Father and His will and speaking the words of God in the right context and not submitting to the words of the devil.
Kamo je otišla vjera u ime Isusa Krista?
But where did the faith, Jesus walked in, ići? Gdje je vjera u Isusa Krista, kroz koje bi se radovi trebali obavljati, ići?
Vjera u Ime Isusovo and walking after the Spirit in the spiritual armor of God in submission to God’s will is all you need to resist the devil and demons and have a victorious life.
Pobjednički život ne znači da nećete imati borbe, otpor, i progonu.
There will always be struggles, otpor, i progonu. Because you don’t belong to the world and the ruler of this world anymore.
Uvijek će biti oluja u vašem životu. Isus nikada nije rekao, da vjernici ne doživljavaju oluje u životu.
Međutim, Jesus said that if you stay faithful to Him and abide in the Word and keep His commandments and therefore do what Jesus commanded you to do, you shall stand in the storm and overcome the storm and not be defeated and destroyed. (Pročitajte također: Slušatelji vs izvršitelji).
If you keep His commandments, stand on the Word, and persevere, you will come out of the battle victorious.
What is a victorious life?
Living a victorious life means living in obedience to God according to God’s standards and not the standards of the world. Jer Božja volja nije volja svijeta; Volja čovjeka.
Kada pogledamo živote proroka u Starom savezu i živote Isusove, Petar, Pavao, Ivan, James, Stephen, i svi ostali učenici i njihova djela, we read about the resistance and persecution of the world, the suffering, martyrdom and living in captivity.
Iako su svi hodili po volji Božjoj i Bog je bio s njima, vanjskom svijetu nije izgledalo kao da žive u Božjoj volji i da je Bog s njima.
Čak je i Isus bio cijenjen pogođenim, udaren od Boga, i pogođeni (Oh. Izaije 53:3-4, Djela 1–28)
Što piše u knjigama?
I vidjeh veliko bijelo prijestolje, i Onaj koji je sjedio na njemu, S čijeg su lica pobjegli zemlja i nebo; and there was found no place for them And I saw the dead, Mali i veliki, stajati pred Bogom; i knjige su bile otvorene: i otvorena je još jedna knjiga, koja je knjiga života: i mrtvima se sudi po onome što je zapisano u knjigama, according to their works And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; i smrt i pakao predali su mrtve koji bijahu u njima: i svaki im bijaše suđeno po djelima njihovim. I smrt i pakao bačeni su u ognjeno jezero. Ovo je druga smrt. A tko se ne nađe zapisan u knjizi života, bačen je u ognjeno jezero (Otkrivenje 20:11-15)
Jesus told His disciples not to rejoice that the devils were subject to them. But they should rejoice that their names were written in heaven. Because on the Day of Judgment, books and a Book of life shall be opened.
Kaže li Biblija išta o (ličan) knjige, in which, između ostalih, odredište ljudi i Božji plan za nečiji život na zemlji, krvne loze, preci, i DNK se spominju?
The Bible doesn’t say anything about (ličan) knjige, in which God’s plan, the destinations of people on earth, their bloodlines, preci, i DNK su zapisani. The Bible says that in the books people’s works are written.
the books contain people’s works
The books that will be opened on the Day of Judgment, sadrže djela i imena grešnika; bezbožni, koji pripadaju đavlu i služili su đavlu. They shall be cast into the eternal lake of fire, just like their master, and experience the second death.
And the Book of Life that will be opened, sadrži djela i imena svetaca, who belong to God and obeyed Him and served Jesus Christ. Oni će naslijediti vječni život.
Te će knjige ostati zatvorene do Sudnjeg dana.
Na taj Sudnji dan, knjige će biti otvorene. Everyone shall stand before the great heavenly Judge and receive their eternal sentence; Osuda na vječni život ili Osuda na vječnu smrt
Kako je nastala lažna doktrina o nebeskim dvorovima?
Općenito, false doctrines arise through soulish people who are led by false spirits and are not willing to submit to God the Father, Isus Krist, i Duh Sveti. They refuse to submit to the Word and go the way of the Word and put off (djela) meso.
False doctrines are new teachings that often derive from Old Testament Scriptures that are taken out of context. They make people believe that you can receive what you want and what God has promised in the Bible through other ways and methods, bez polaganja mesa.
Many Christians want to receive God’s promises without fulfilling the conditions. This also applies to the false doctrine of the courts of heaven.
In the false doctrine of the courts of heaven, people are the center instead of Jesus Christ.
It’s all about the ‘self’ of people. And if something stands in the way of happiness, (puten) prosperity and wealth, and things don’t go according to their will and they experience struggles, Tada je vrag kriv i otvara se vreća trikova i sve vrste tjelesnih ljudskih metoda, tehnika, Molitvene strategije, i primjenjuju se pravni postupci.
I tako prema ispraznom Stvoritelju nebeskih dvorova, Ljudi bi trebali djelovati na nebeskim dvorovima za proboj, oslobođenje, Otključavanje sudbina, Čišćenje krvnih linija predaka, breaking blood ties and generacijska prokletstva, i za primanje zdravlja, unlocking wealth and receive the riches of this world.
Ali što Biblija kaže o tim stvarima? Biblija kaže, that if you become a new creation in Christ, Stare stvari su prošle!
What does the bible say about your sins?
Jesus carried all your sins on the cross and all your sins are under His blood. The blood of Christ cleansed you of all sins and unrighteousness. Zato ste Njegovom krvlju postali sveti i pravedni (Oh. Rimljani 3:22-26; 5:9, 2 Korinćanima 5:21, Efežanima 1:7, Kološanima 1:13-2:15, Hebrejima 13:12, 1 Ivan 1:7).
God doesn’t remember your sins if you truly repent and become born again in Christ and become a new creation.
Stoga, zašto morate kopati po prošlosti i iskopati sve grijehe svog starog prijašnjeg života i ponovno ih podsjetiti pred Bogom? God doesn’t think about it because the old man no longer lives and all the sins and unrighteousness are under the blood. Why do you put yourself above God and His Word? (Pročitajte također: ‘Nemojte upasti u rupu svoje prošlosti')
What does the bible say about ancestral sins?
What do we read in the Bible in the New Covenant about generational curses and ancestral sins? Where is it written in the New Covenant that you must dig into the past of your ancestors to find out their sins and confess their sins? This is not Scriptural but okultno. Što ako više ne žive? Nikada nećeš saznati njihove grijehe.
What does the bible say about bloodlines?
A što Biblija kaže o krvnim lozama, Čišćenje krvnih loza predaka, i razbijanje krvnih veza? Ništa! Čišćenje krvnih loza predaka i prekidanje krvnih veza su okultni i Božji sinovi se ne bi trebali baviti time!
Biblija kaže, da je svatko odgovoran za svoja djela.
Jesus defeated the devil and has dealt with sin and death. The blood of Jesus Christ is so powerful that everyone who repents and becomes born again is cleansed of all sins and unrighteousness of the old man.
Instead of Christians becoming truly born again and renewing their mind with the Word of God to get to know the will of God and gain insights into the Kingdom of God and spiritual warfare and walk after the Spirit and do the works out of Jesus Christ, they believe the words of these false teachers and believe their words and follow them as fools and apply their foolish methods and strategies.
The Bible warns for false teachers
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, koji će tajno unijeti proklete hereze, čak i nijekajući Gospodina koji ih je kupio, i nanesu na sebe brzo uništenje. I mnogi će slijediti njihove pogubne putove; zbog koga će se o putu istine pogrditi. I iz pohlepe će te lažnim riječima prodavati: čiji se sud sada već dugo ne zadržava, i prokletstvo njihovo ne spava (2 Petar 1:2-4)
Biblija nas upozorava na lažne učitelje, who preach false doctrines and pervert the simple gospel of Jesus Christ and trouble the believers and lead them astray (Oh. Galaćanima 1:6-10, 2 Petar 1:2-4, Kološanima 2:6-10).
Danas, Mnogo je lažnih učitelja, who take the words of God out of context and come up with all kinds of new self-invented theories that remove believers from Him unto another gospel, koji nije evanđelje, samo za vlastitu slavu i financijsku dobit.
Ali oni, koji su nanovo rođeni i duhovni su i poznaju Riječ neće biti zavedeni. Since they know the Word, istina, i volja Božja.
let the Church wake up
Ako tko uči drugačije, i pristali ne na zdrave riječi, i to riječi Gospodina našega Isusa Krista, i nauku koji je u skladu s pobožnošću; Ponosan je, Ne znajući ništa, ali doping o pitanjima i svađama riječi, od čega dolazi zavist, svađa, Ograde, Zla nagađanja, Perverzne rasprave ljudi pokvarenog uma, i lišeni istine, Pretpostavimo da je dobitak pobožnost: od takvih se povući. Ali pobožnost sa zadovoljstvom veliki je dobitak. Jer ništa nismo donijeli na ovaj svijet, i sigurno je da ne možemo ništa izvesti. I imajući hranu i odjeću budimo zadovoljni time.
Ali oni koji će biti bogati padaju u iskušenje i zamku, i u mnoge glupe i štetne požude, koji utapaju ljude u uništenju i propasti. Jer ljubav prema novcu korijen je svega zla: koji, dok su neki priželjkivali nakon, pogriješili su od vjere, i probili se mnogim tugama. Ali ti, O Božji čovječe, bježi od tih stvari; i slijediti pravednost, pobožnost, vjera, ljubav, strpljenje, krotkost. Borite se u dobroj borbi vjere, Uhvatite se za vječni život, na što si i ti pozvan, i ispovijedao je dobru profesiju pred mnogim svjedocima (1 Timothy 6:3-12)
It’s about time that Christians wake up from their deep sleep and follow Jesus Christ instead of the words of people. Let them do what the Bible says and put off the old man and put on the man.
It’s time to submit to God and walk in God’s will as is written in the Bible and not as originated in the carnal mind of vain people.
It’s about time that Christians walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and follow His example, i predstavljaju, propovijedati, and bring the Kingdom of God to the people on earth.
let the church be the Body of Christ and the government of God’s Kingdom on earth
Let Christians, tko su Crkva, exercise their spiritual authority and power, which they have received in Christ by His redemptive work, by doing what Jesus commanded the believers to do.
If Christians are so eager to become practitioners of the law, let them submit to the law of God, and obey and execute God’s will (Njegove zapovijedi). Let Christians stop sinning and judge sins and remove the sins from their lives.
Instead of accessing and operating in a heavenly court, let the Church function as the Body of Christ and be the government of the Kingdom of God on earth. Let the Church represent His law and reflect His holiness and righteousness on earth and condemn sin and remove them from the Body of Christ instead of embracing sins and defiling the Body of Christ.
Let the Church remove those, who refuse to submit to the will of God and refuse to remove the sins from their lives, iz crkve, as Jesus commanded and just as Paul did, who only obeyed the Head and delivered the rebels of Jesus Christ unto satan. (Pročitajte također: ‘What does it mean to deliver someone unto satan?').
Let Christians fight the good fight of faith
Jer sada sam spreman biti ponuđen, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing (2 Timothy 4:6-8)
Podnosiš dakle uprege (Teškoće), kao dobrog vojnika Isusa Krista. Nijedan čovjek koji ratuje ne upliće se u poslove ovoga života; da se svidi onome koji ga je izabrao za vojnika (2 Timothy 2:3-4)
U Bibliji, in the New Covenant, we don’t read anything about believers becoming advocates and accessing the courts of heaven and operating on different levels in the courts of heaven.
Jesus has never appointed His followers as advocates and to operate in a court of heaven. But Jesus appointed the believers as His witnesses and soldiers in His army. Soldiers fight the good fight of faith and resist sin and spiritual war against the principalities, ovlasti, Dominioni, and rulers of darkness and deliver souls from the darkness, so that they establish and expand the Kingdom of God on earth.
Let Christians be faithful witnesses and soldiers, who love the Lord and keep His commandments. So that on the Day of Judgment, when the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall judge the people, they will receive the crown of righteousness.
‘Budi sol zemlje’