Do the Bible and science go together?

There are many preachers, who are carnal and belong to the world and have the same tendency as their father the devil, and that is to sow doubt in the hearts of the believers. Their mission is to ensure that Christians start doubting the authenticity and truth of the Bible; God’s Word and compromise with the world, so that they will leave the Word of God. How do they do that? By preaching and teaching their own philosophies, inventions, imaginations, 和 意見, which are inspired by the wisdom and knowledge of this world. They spread lies, through their sermons and books, that contradict the Bible; 神的話語. This has ensured that the faith of many Christians has been affected by doubt and many Christians have started to doubt the authenticity and truth of the Bible. Because of the many lies that are preached, Christians have developed more faith in science; human knowledge and wisdom than in the Bible. 所以, many Christians don’t walk by faith after the Spirit according to the written Word of God, but they walk by faith after the flesh and the written words of man and the science of this world. But what does the Bible say about science? Do the Bible and science go together? Can the Bible and science be reconciled or not?

An angel of light

The devil comes as an angel of light and performs many miracles, signs, and wonders. He considers himself equal to God and therefore the devil comes as God. One of the areas the devil works at is the mind of people. 是的, the devil has great power in the mind of many people, including many Christians, who give the devil room, so that the devil can build his strongholds in their minds and destroy their lives. 魔鬼知道, that when you possess someone’s mind, you possess the person’s life. Because every word, act, and deed derives from the mind of a person.

the devil as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devourThrough the mind of people, the devil raises thought, which seems so pious, wonderful, hopeful, and promising, but in reality, contradicts the Bible and produces perversion and apostasy.

And that’s exactly what we see happening around us, because many churches have become apostate of the Word and don’t live according to the will of God anymore.

But the devil doesn’t only work by casting thoughts in the mind, he also works in the mind by means of hallucinations, hypnosis, visions, 啟示錄, and dreams.

How many famous philosophers through all ages have received new insights and knowledge and developed new scientific laws and theories on the basis of revelations, visions, hallucinations, and dreams?

Some well-known examples are Socrates, Rene Descartes, Dimitri Mendeleev, Alfred Russell Wallace, August Kekelee, Shrinivasa Ramanujan, Otto Loewi, and Louis Agassiz.

The world has embraced their knowledge, 智慧, and scientific laws and theories, and slowly the church has opened its door and has embraced this knowledge, 智慧, and science as well. This has become visible in the current state of the church, and the perverted truth that is preached in many churches.

Are scientists appointed and blessed by God?

If you are born again and have received God’s Spirit, by Whom you have become a son of God and Whose nature dwells in you, then you can no longer say, that God has blessed science. You can’t say, that medical scientists, astronomers, natural scientists, ETC. are appointed by God and that they are God’s workmanship. Because their carnal works are not based upon the Bible; 神的話語, but they are based upon the words of man, which derived from their carnal mind.

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God (羅馬書 8:5-8)

這世界的智慧對神來說是愚拙的, foolThe Bible says that a carnal mind is enmity against God, because a carnal mind will not submit to God, His Word and His will.

Therefore God can’t bless something that has not derived from Him, His Word, and His Spirit, but from a carnal mind that is being controlled by the devil and the kingdom of darkness.

Scientists are carnal and sense-ruled and rely on their own insights, intellect, 知識, 智慧, techniques, and methods, which they have been taught during their scientific studies.

They act out faith in this knowledge, 智慧, and words of men, and through research in the visible realm and by applying the things, which they have been taught, they expect to get results, and many times they do.

Although there are scientists, who claim to be Christians and believe in God, and rely on and operate by Him, their actions prove otherwise. Their actions don’t line up with the words they confess, because they don’t rely on the Bible; the Word of God and don’t act out of faith in the Word, but they rely and act upon the knowledge and wisdom of this world, that derives from the carnal mind of people, and doesn’t acknowledge God and His Word, but rejects Him. That’s why science belongs to the world and not to the Kingdom of God.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding (箴言 9:10)

God has given His Word to get insights in His Kingdom and to get to know Him and His will. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, so that the man of God (the new creation) may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 提姆 3:16-17) .

The world shall never be able to understand the Bible, and that’s why the world considers the Bible as a foolish Book, that is full of metaphors and fairy tales. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, because the Bible has informed us about it.

The reason why they consider the Bible a foolish Book is because they are unspiritual. An unspiritual person is not able to understand and comprehend the Bible. That’s why the generation of fallen man considers the wisdom and knowledge of God as foolishness (1 哥林多前書 2:14).

The law of faith goes against every natural law

The knowledge and wisdom of God and the law of faith goes against all natural laws and everything that is visible in the natural realm, and can’t be reasoned by the carnal mind. Take for example, the law of gravity. According to the law of gravity, it is impossible to walk on water. But through the law of faith, Jesus surpassed the law of gravity and walked upon water. And not only Jesus walked upon the water, but even Peter walked upon the water (另請閱讀: Step out the boat and keep on walking in faith!).

The greatness of our Almighty God and His works are too big for the carnal human mind to comprehend and understand.

wise in own eyes and prudent in their own sightThe human mind is not able to understand, how you can create something out of nothing. 這就是為什麼, the human mind is only able to research those things that are visible and tangible and analyze and explain them, according to what they see and perceive with their senses.

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 哥林多前書 2:12-14)

Only, when someone is born again and has become spiritual, the spiritual mind of the person is able to understand the Bible and to believe in what has been written in the Bible. 這 spiritual realm is no longer fiction but has become a reality. By studying the Bible and by applying the words of God, the written Word shall become alive.

The new man, who is created after the image of God, shall walk according to what the Word says and therefore walk in faith. Faith is a fruit of the spirit and not of the flesh.

不幸, there are many preachers, who think that through their studies in theology and religion, they possess all the wisdom, they need. But in reality, they are unspiritual and don’t understand the Bible. They don’t preach out of the Word and the Spirit but out of their flesh; their own carnal insights, intellect, 經歷, and science. They make their own theories and doctrines based upon scriptures, which they randomly take out of the Bible and out of their context and interpret in their own way.

因為事實, that many Christians are not born again and don’t study the Word of God by themselves, they assume that the preacher speaks the truth and therefore considers and accepts his words as the truth.

But everyone can study theology and get a Ph.D. And everyone can take scriptures from the Bible and give their own interpretations of them. Even the devil came to Jesus and quoted scriptures from the Bible in order to deceive Jesus. And Today, his sons, who are appointed as leaders in the church, do exactly the same thing and instead of leading Christians to eternal life, they lead them to eternal death; 地獄. Following a study, having titles and quoting scriptures doesn’t prove if someone is born again and has become a new creation. But because the old man is carnal and doesn’t discern the spirits, but are sense ruled and therefore rather look at status, diploma and titles, many are being deceived.

Don’t lean on your own understanding

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding (箴言 3:5)

The Word says very clearly that you should truth in the Lord with all your heart and that you shouldn’t rely and trust on your own insight and intellect, because your own insight from the soul is deceitful. Your own insight is sense ruled and perceives the visible realm and not the spiritual realm.

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? (1 哥林多前書 1:18-20)

God and His Word; the Bible and science shall never go together. The Bible and science can’t be reconciled, no matter what many modern preachers say. They can say all they want and blend the Bible and science, which is the wisdom and knowledge of the world, but the Bible and science each belong to another kingdom.

如果基督徒像世界一樣生活,世界應該如何悔改?The majority of all churches in the world have allowed the spirit of this world to enter and have become tolerant towards sin and have made concessions with the world and left the Bible; the Word of God and live the same lives as the world.

There is hardly any diference between Christians and unbelievers, except that Christians go to church and occasionally read the Bible and pray.

The Christians have adopted the wisdom, 知識, methods, and technics of the world and Christianized them, so that it may seem pious in the natural realm, but in reality, it has nothing to do with God, 這個單字, 和聖靈 (另請閱讀: ‘The Christians sauce')

A church, that belongs to the world is nothing more than a social humanitarian institution, that entertains and motivates people, provides carnal tools (methods and technics) in order to become successful in life on this earth, and does a lot of humanitarian charity work.

The difference between God and science

Science is engaged, among other things, with cause and effect. There must always be a visible cause for a visible effect. Everything that is visible in the natural realm has its origin in the natural realm. Science relies on human (carnal) 知識, 智慧, ability, and power and makes use of carnal methods, technics, and resources to repair disturbed elements, remove affected elements, and resolve problems.

Enter into the Kingdom of GodGod is Spirit and His Kingdom is a spiritual Kingdom and is not of this world (約翰 18:36). Everything that is visible in the natural realm has its origin in the spiritual realm.

The new man, who belongs to the Kingdom of God, doesn’t rely on his own (carnal) intellect, insight, 知識, 智慧, ability and power, and carnal methods and technics, which they have been taught, but the new man relies on God, and His Word and His power.

The Kingdom of God operates in the exact opposite as the world (黑暗王國) operates.

The world operates out of the visible realm and God operates out of the invisible realm. According to the world, everything that is visible (and measurable) in the natural realm has a natural cause. According to the Kingdom of God, everything has its origin in the spiritual realm and is created out of the spiritual realm and therefore everything that is visible in the natural realm has a spiritual (invisible to the natural eye) cause.

A person, who is carnal and belongs to this world is unspiritual, and trusts and relies on his own carnal intellect, insight, 知識, 智慧, ability, 力量, technics, and methods and is sense ruled and therefore walks after what he perceives with his senses

A person, who has been born again in the spirit is spiritual, and belongs to the Kingdom of God and trusts and relies on God, His Word, and His power, and walks after the Word and the Spirit and not after what he perceives with his senses.

Science causes independency

All scientists have one thing in common and that is, that they have ensured that people have become independent of God and depended on science (wisdom and knowledge of this world) and technology. The world thinks, that they don’t need God and can do everything by themselves.

By trusting in their own carnal intellect, ability and power, insights and worldly knowledge and wisdom, they have ensured that people don’t need God anymore, but that they can provide for themselves and can heal people, and restore and solve problems.

Science rejects the Bible; 神的話語

Science rejects the faith and the Word of God and says that religion has nothing to do with science. Scientists have taken a stand on the things they believe in and don’t allow anything, that contradicts science or affects science. They don’t compromise and make concessions with the gospel and the wisdom and knowledge of God. They are not persuaded and convinced by Christians, who try to persuade them, but they keep standing on their science and keep believing in their carnal wisdom and knowledge.

Wouldn’t it be great if the Christians would have the same attitude as they have? That they would stand up for God and His Word, by keeping science far away and out of the gospel of Jesus Christ, instead of compromising science with faith. Faith and science have nothing in common, and shall never have anything in common.

The Word of God belongs to the Kingdom of God and science is the doctrine of this world.

It is very sad to see, how many Christians are not able to stand on the Word of God and are being overruled by scientists and compromises and make concessions with the world and adjust the Word to the wisdom, 知識, and findings of this world.

Only the Christians, who are truly born again, will never compromise and shall not engage with science, but shall stay away. Because for the born again Christian this wisdom and knowledge is foolishness, just like the wisdom and knowledge of the world is foolishness to God. And that shall always remain.

Jesus surpassed every natural law

Jesus surpassed every natural law during His life on earth. First of all, Jesus was conceived in the womb of a woman through the Holy Spirit, which is impossible according to natural science. Jesus fed 5000 人們 (women and children excluded) with five loaves and two fishes and 4000 人們 (women and children excluded) with 7 loaves and a few fishes. According to science, this is also impossible. Jesus walked on water, which surpassed the law of gravity. Jesus traveled from one place to the other, without using natural transportation, which is again according to science impossible. There were many more natural laws He surpassed, but the greatest work, which surpassed every natural law is that Jesus rose from the dead!

The laws of God and His Kingdom have nothing in common with the natural laws of this world.

Science destroys faith

When you say, that you believe in God and His Word and that you are born again, you shall not get involved with science. Because science destroys faith. “Christians” can disapprove of this statement, by saying that science has strengthened their faith, but that’s not true. 是的, maybe it has strengthened their faith in their self-made gospel, with their imaginary Jesus. But science destroys the true faith and the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Because science is first of all not based upon the Word of God, and secondly, it doesn’t accept the Word of God but instead it speaks against the Word of God, and that starts already in the Book of Genesis chapter one, by denying God as the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all there is within. 所以, how can science strengthen faith? This is again a lie from the devil, which has deceived many so-called carnal Christians.

the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of GodThose, who are carnal and not born again, and live after the flesh and therefore are sense ruled, shall get involved with science, and believe in science. Because to them, science is understandable and logical.

They don’t consider the Bible as logical, but consider it a historical Book, with many metaphors, that contradict itself in many places.

這就是為什麼, 多, who say and claim to be Christians, in reality, don’t believe deep down in their heart in the Word of God, which shows in the fact, that they don’t live according to the Word, but do everything they can to make the Word of God scientific, so that it fits into their carnal mind.

And that’s exactly what has happened in many churches.

Instead of keeping science outside the church and considering the Bible as the Truth and highest Authority in their lives, and by faith in the Bible; 神的話語, renew their mind 與神的話語, obey the Word, and apply the Word of God in their lives, they mix the wisdom and knowledge of God with the wisdom and knowledge of the world.

But by doing that, they undermine God and the Word of God and His authority. They exalt themselves above God and adjust His Word; the Bible to the lies of this world. And so they change His truth into a lie.

This has happened, because the people, who say they believe, but in the meantime have allowed the wisdom and knowledge of this world to enter the church, never had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. When Paul had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, Paul laid down his own life, his intellect, and all the carnal wisdom and knowledge of the world, so that he was able to follow Jesus.

As long as a person has not had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and isn’t born again and hasn’t laid down his own life, then a person is not able to believe in Jesus; the Word and follow Him.


來源: KJV,Does Christian psychology exist, wikipedia


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