La Bibbia è la nostra bussola

Ascoltami ora, quindi, O voi figli, e non allontanarti dalle parole della mia bocca (Proverbi 5:7)

Nei Proverbi 5:7, The Father advises us strongly to listen to Him and not depart from the words of His mouth. His words are written in the Bible; la Parola di Dio. Therefore His Word is our Compass in life and leads us on the right path in life.

When we need advice or when we have questions, dovremmo rivolgerci alla Bibbia; la Parola di Dio, perché la Sua Parola è la nostra bussola nella vita. The Father always gives us the right advice and answers to our questions.

We should turn to Him instead of turning to the world and to strangers, che non conoscono Dio. A stranger could be your family member, un vicino, a good friend, or an acquaintance. As long as that person doesn’t walk in the ways of the Lord and abides in the Word, allora quella persona non potrà mai darti un buon consiglio.

Because good advice or instruction(S) comes from the truth (of God). Therefore good advice or instruction(S) is based on the Word of God and not human knowledge, reasoning, filosofie, and the words of the world.

Is the Bible your Compass?

When you go to the Father, Risponderà. When the Father answers you, it is up to you what you will do with His answer.

Do you listen to Him, e fare ciò che Egli ci dice di fare, even if you don’t like His answer? Or do you reject His answer and go your own way?

Se un figlio davvero ama suo padre, then he shall take his advice and follow up on his advice. When you say that you love the Father and Jesus, then you shall obey I suoi comandamenti e camminare nei suoi comandamenti.

‘Sii il sale della terra’

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