They are all plain to him that understands, And right to them that find knowledge (Пословицы 8:9)
All the words of God are plain for those who understand. The Word is righteous and integer, that’s why you can rely on the Word. When you have found knowledge, which starts with the fear of the Lord God Almighty; the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, you shall believe His words. You shall believe everything, that is written in the Bible.
The Библия проста и правильна
Иисус говорит, that His Words are plain and right for those who understand; верующие; тот последователи Иисуса. Those who don’t believe in Jesus, and consider Jesus as a historical Person or a Prophet, but not as the Son of God, Пришедшие во плоти, shall not believe the Bible. They shall consider the Bible as some kind of historic novel, that often contradicts Itself.
Только новые творения, who have been born of water and Spirit, shall be able to believe the Word. They shall trust the Word and apply the Word into their lives. The Bible shall be plain and right for them. Каждый день, they shall feed their spirit, with the Bread; Слово Божье, and shall build their lives upon the Rock; Иисус, Живое Слово
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