Является ли Библия по-прежнему убедительной и актуальной для христиан??

Несмотря на, that the Bible is the most sold and ‘read’ book in the world, the Bibel is also the most controversial Book and attacked Book in the world. There are many countries that are afraid of the Bible and therefore have forbidden Bibles. Это неудивительно, since the Bible is the only Book in the world, wherein God reveals Himself and the truth by His words. The Bible is so powerful that it divides soul and spirit and changes lives. But is the Bible still considered as the true and eternal Word of God and do Christians spend time in the Bible? Is the Bible the center and the highest authority in their lives? Do believers raise their children daily in the Word? Is the Bible still compelling and relevant to Christians or do the hearts of Christians go out to other books and is the Bible faded into the background or even completely disappeared from their lives?

The sons of God spent time in the Bible; Слово Божье

ибо вы очистили души свои в послушании истине через Духа к непритворной любви к братьям, Смотрите, любите друг друга с чистым сердцем горячо: Рождение свыше, не от тленного семени, но неподкупный, по слову Божьему, который живет и пребывает вовеки (1 Питер 1:22-23)

Как только человек рождается заново, which means that the flesh has died and the spirit is raised from the dead in Christ, and the person becomes a new creation, the person shall long to spend time in the Bible and search the Scriptures and feed themselves with the words of God. Потому что Святой Дух, Who abides in the new creation, draws the new creation to the Word of God and desires to be in unity with Jesus Christ; слово, и Отец.

Джон 6:63 Это дух, который оживляет плоть, ничего не приносит пользы, слова, которые я говорю, суть дух и жизнь

Точно так же, как Иисус, Сын Божий, withdrew Himself to spend time with the Father, те, who are born of God and belong to Him shall also withdraw themselves to spend time with Jesus Christ and the Father in the Word and in prayer (Читайте также: Тайная молитвенная жизнь верующего).

И благодаря этому мы знаем, что мы знаем Его, если мы соблюдаем Его заповеди. Тот, кто говорит,, Я знаю Его, и не соблюдает заповедей Своих, лжец, и истины нет в нем. Но кто соблюдает слово Его,, в Нем, воистину, совершенна любовь Божья: Тем самым мы знаем, что мы в Нем. Кто говорит, что пребывает в Нем, тот и сам должен поступать так, даже когда Он ходил (1 Джон 2:3-6)

The Bible is the Word of God and possesses the truth. Через Библию, you shall get to know the real Jesus Christ and the will of God and His Kingdom.

The more time you spend in the Bible, the better you shall get to know God and His will. And by believing, obeying, and doing the words of God, you shall walk as Jesus Christ in the will of God (Читайте также: Какова цель Слова Божьего в жизни людей?).

The Bible should be the highest authority in the lives of the sons of God

И он (Иисус) ответил и сказал им, My mother and My brethren are these which hear the word of God, и сделай это (Люк 8:21)

But He (Иисус) сказал, Да, скорее, блаженны слышащие слово Божие, и сохрани это (Люк 11:28)

The Bible is the power of God and should be the highest authority in the lives of every born-again Christian, who has become a son of God. К сожалению, Это не всегда так.

Many Christians don’t consider the words of God as credible, compelling, and relevant, but consider the words of God as outdated, dusty, and old-fashioned that don’t fit in today’s society. Из-за этого, the words of God are no longer believed, подчинялся, and applied but are adjusted, измененный, and/or rejected.

power of God's Word

The ruler of this world doesn’t want people to find out the truth and discover the lies of darkness in which many people live, and therefore he adjusts and corrupts the words of God very subtle through modern Bible translations and false teachings of man, and besides that he keeps the people away from the truth and the Kingdom of God by keeping them away from the Bible; Слово Божье (Читайте также: Новый перевод Библии; the GEB и How Jesus is thrown out the church).

He tempts, seduces, and entertains people with the things of this world (Читайте также: Позволь мне развлечь тебя!)

Те, who are born again and walk after the Spirit shall spend time in the Word and consider the Bible as the truth. К ним, the Bible is compelling and relevant and the highest authority in their lives.

Однако, те, who are not born again and don’t have the Spirit of God, but the spirit of the world, shall not long to be with Jesus and the Father and spend time in the light of the Word, but they shall rather spend time in the light of the world; the light of their phone, телевидение, (игры)компьютер, и т. д..

Является ли Библия по-прежнему убедительной и актуальной для христиан??

Ибо Слово Божие быстро, и мощный, и острее любого обоюдоострого меча, пронзающий даже до разделения души и духа, и суставов и костного мозга, и различает помышления и намерения сердечные (евреи 4:12)

But Jesus answered and said, Это написано, Не хлебом единым будет жить человек, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Мэтью 4:4)

Many Christians don’t consider the Bible a compelling spiritual Book, which contains the life of God and reveals the will of God and is relevant and needed for the spiritual man to grow up into a mature son of God and to stand against all the temptations and wiles of the devil.

Но кто хранит в себе Слово Его, так и любовь Божья совершенствуется 1 Джон 2:5

They don’t consider the Bible as the Sword of the Spirit and don’t know how the handle the Sword of the Spirit in the ongoing spiritual battle.

Вместо, they walk in pride by thinking, that they know the Bible after reading the Bible so many times.

But as long as someone doesn’t walk and lives as a mature son of God in the will of God, as Jesus walked in the will of the Father, someone doesn’t know the Bible completely

You can have a lot of head knowledge of the Bible, but head knowledge doesn’t do anything with a person, except that it puffs up a person and exalt himself above others.

You don’t enter the Kingdom of God by having head knowledge of the Bible, even though many people think they do. But that’s because, despite their head knowledge, they don’t know the Word experientially nor have the Word abiding in their heart.

And so many Christians are misled and lead defeated lives and are controlled by the spirit of the world. 

They rather feed themselves with the knowledge and wisdom of the world and rather listen to what ‘learned’ people have to say and consider their words as the truth and walk by faith according to their words.

Is there a difference between believers and unbelievers?

Because they believe the words of the world above the words of God, and because the words of the world that correspond with the will of the flesh, are the highest authority in their lives there is hardly any difference between people, who say to believe and call themselves Christians and unbelievers.

Their minds, слова, and opinions hardly differ from each other, except that one says to believe that God exists and believes in Jesus Christ and the other doesn’t. But their walk, works and life are many times identical, since they walk after the flesh and are led by the same spirit that reigns in the flesh (Читайте также: Если христиане живут как мир, в чем миру следует покаяться?).

Most Christians are carnal and are led by the spirit of the world, так же, как и неверующие. They walk after the flesh and are led by their feelings and what happens in the natural realm. They are dependent upon situations, the surrounding, и люди, так же, как мир. Their outside world determines how they feel and determines their state. Короче говоря, their lives and well-being depend upon external factors in the natural realm.

They follow the same path as the world and read all kinds of books, written by man, instead of the Bible and engage in various teachings, методы, and technics that often derive from философия человека and other religions that are popular in the world, whereby the carnal man is strengthened and the spiritual man weakens. Through all this carnal knowledge they defile themselves and enter sideways, which eventually leads to the abyss.

The devil wants to keep you ignorant

Итак, вера приходит от слышания, and hearing by the Word of God (римляне 10:17)

Дьявол, кто правитель мира, shall do anything to keep the people away from the Bible and eliminate the Bible from people’s lives, because the devil knows the power of the Word.

Without the Bible and the renewing of the mind with the Word of God, man shall never get to know the will of God and shall never find out the Truth, and shall never walk by faith in the will of God and that’s exactly what the devil wants (Читайте также: Уничтожается ли народ Божий из-за недостатка знаний??)

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