Bibelstudier, learning the Bible
The importance and necessity of praying are often underestimated. Many Christians are unaware of how important and necessary praying is. Because of that praying has faded into the background. derimot, praying…
Bibelstudier, learning the Bible
The importance and necessity of praying are often underestimated. Many Christians are unaware of how important and necessary praying is. Because of that praying has faded into the background. derimot, praying…
Sjelen (Livet) er i blodet og blodet har en stemme. The voice of the blood of Abel cried out unto God and demanded to avenge the innocent…
There are many doctrines, meninger, and discussions about the rebirth in Christianity. Når er noen født på ny, how can a person be born again, and what does the rebirth mean for…
Tiden er inne for kirken til å omvende seg fra sin dårskap og forfengelige vandring. Kirken har lekt lenge nok med mørket. It’s time to become serious and return…
Når mennesker blir født på ny, de mottar en talent fra Gud. Spørsmålet er, Hva gjør de nye kreasjonene med talentene sine? Fordi ikke alle, who has become a new…