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studii biblice

studii biblice, learning the Bible

  • image deserted land with article title the cry of the blood

    The cry of the blood

    The soul (the life) is in the blood and the blood has a voice. The voice of the blood of Abel cried out unto God and demanded to avenge the innocent

  • imaginea bisericii și titlul blogului lăsați biserica să se pocăiască

    Lăsați biserica să se pocăiască!

    The time has come for the church to repent of her foolishness and vain walk. The church has played long enough with the darkness. It’s time to become serious and return

  • image hole in earth with blog title the hidden talent

    Talentul ascuns

    Când oamenii se nasc din nou, ei primesc un talant de la Dumnezeu. Întrebarea este, Ce fac noile creații cu talentele lor? Pentru că nu toată lumea, who has become a new

  • black image table with food with blog title who make a mockery of the lord's supper

    Who make a mockery of the Lord’s Supper?

    The world witnessed and saw how the Lord’s supper was mocked. But are they the ones, who have made a mockery of the Lord’s supper or has the Lord’s supper been

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