

Bible studies about baptism in Christianity, Bible about baptism, Bible scriptures about baptism

  • Doop vir die dooies 1 Korintiërs 15:29

    Wat het Paulus bedoel met doop vir die dooies?

    In 1 Korintiërs 15:29, Paulus het gepraat oor die doop vir die dooies. Wat het Paulus bedoel met doop vir die dooies, since we don’t read anywhere in the Bible about being baptized

  • Wat is Doop met vuur

    Wat is die doop met vuur?

    Daar is baie Christene, who long for the baptism with fire. Because of all the teachings about the baptism with fire, they have a certain expectation of the baptism with fire

  • Is die doop van babadoop dieselfde as volwasse doop

    Is kinderdoop dieselfde as volwasse doop?

    There are always many discussions going on in churches. One of these discussions is about infant baptism (christening). Many Christians wonder whether infant baptism is the same as adult baptism. Should

  • Wat is die Doop? Bybel sê oor doop in water?

    Wat is die doop?

    Waterdoop word dikwels as 'n Christelike ritueel beskou. Jy sal in water gedoop word wanneer jy in Jesus Christus glo, bekeer, en besluit om Jesus te volg en 'n Christen te word. Baie Christene…

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