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Bible studies about baptism in Christianity, Bible about baptism, Bible scriptures about baptism

  • What is Baptism with fire


    クリスチャンはたくさんいます, 火の洗礼を待ち望む者. 火の洗礼についてのすべての教えのためです, they have a certain expectation of the baptism with fire

  • Is christening infant baptism same as adult baptism

    Is infant baptism the same as adult baptism?

    There are always many discussions going on in churches. One of these discussions is about infant baptism (christening). Many Christians wonder whether infant baptism is the same as adult baptism. Should

  • バプテスマとは? 聖書は水でのバプテスマについて語っています?


    Water baptism is often considered as a Christian ritual. You’ll be baptized in water when you believe in Jesus Christ, 悔い改める, and decide to follow Jesus and become a Christian. Many Christians

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