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  • Vaizdas vanduo su tituliniu straipsniu Neturėkite tikėjimo asmenų atžvilgiu

    Netikėkite žmonių atžvilgiu

    Dievas nėra asmenų Gerbėjas, taip pat nėra ir jo sūnūs (Tai taikoma tiek vyrams, tiek moterims). Bent, Taip ir turėtų būti. Jokūbe 2:1 Jis parašytas,…

  • Why the faith of many suffer shipwreck

    Why the faith of many suffer shipwreck?

    How come the faith of many suffer shipwreck? Many Christians start right, but during their walk, something happens that causes them to change and depart from the living God and become

  • How did walls of Jericho fall

    How did the walls of Jericho fall?

    After the death of Moses, Joshua, the son of Nun, took over Moses’ leadership. Joshua was chosen and appointed by God to lead His people into the promised land and to

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