Det kan finnas stunder i livet, att kristna tvivlar på trons äkthet, Bibelns tillförlitlighet, och Guds existens. De undrar, is God Who He says…
God is no Respecter of persons and neither are his sons (detta gäller både män och kvinnor). Åtminstone, that’s how it should be. In James 2:1 it is written,…
How come the faith of many suffer shipwreck? Many Christians start right, but during their walk, something happens that causes them to change and depart from the living God and become…
After the death of Moses, Josua, the son of Nun, took over Moses’ leadership. Joshua was chosen and appointed by God to lead His people into the promised land and to…
Bibeln säger i 2 Korinthierbrevet 13:5 att rannsaka sig själv, om du är i tron, och visa vad du går för. Det finns många kristna, who go to church and say…