

  • Tro uten innhold

    Tro uten innhold

    Nesten alle kristne er kjent med kapittelet 11 i Hebreerbrevet, som også regnes som troens kapittel. They are familiar with the definition of faith and are

  • bilde av kloden med tittel blogg Skal jeg finne tro på jorden?

    Skal jeg finne tro på jorden?

    I Lukas 18:1-8, Jesus fortalte disiplene om lignelsen om den urettferdige dommeren og stilte dem et spørsmål. Når Menneskesønnen kommer, skal han finne tro på jorden?…

  • lie of levels

    The lie of levels

    In almost every religion and human philosophy, there are levels, which people can achieve through the means of natural knowledge, technics and methods. If you want to enter a new level,…

  • technical faith, mechanical faith

    A technical faith

    The gospel of Jesus Christ has for a large part succumbed under the pressure of the world and has changed into one big entertainment industry. Many believers go to seminars, conferences,…

  • When Jesus comes, will He find faith on earth?

    Gjennom årene, the gospel of Jesus Christ and the faith have slowly been adjusted. Many false doctrines have entered the church and the lives of Christians. Because of that many

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