Quase todo cristão está familiarizado com o capítulo 11 do Livro de Hebreus, que também é considerado o capítulo da fé. They are familiar with the definition of faith and are…
Em Lucas 18:1-8, Jesus contou a Seus discípulos a parábola do juiz injusto e fez-lhes uma pergunta. Quando vier o Filho do homem, Ele encontrará fé na terra?…
In almost every religion and human philosophy, there are levels, which people can achieve through the means of natural knowledge, technics and methods. If you want to enter a new level,…
The gospel of Jesus Christ has for a large part succumbed under the pressure of the world and has changed into one big entertainment industry. Many believers go to seminars, conferências,…
Através dos anos, the gospel of Jesus Christ and the faith have slowly been adjusted. Many false doctrines have entered the church and the lives of Christians. Because of that many…