I don’t hear God speaking to me. What’s it like when God speaks to you? What does the voice of God sound like? How can you hear the voice of God?…
¿Cuántas veces dicen los cristianos?, que una vez que eres salvo, siempre eres salvo. Se citan muchos pasajes de las Escrituras para corroborar esta afirmación. Uno de ellos es Juan 10:27-29, donde Jesús…
There are two shadows in life, where a person can abide. A person can abide in the shadow of the Most High or a person can abide in the shadow of…
You must not think that the Father raises you like most parents raise their children nowadays and give their responsibility of parenting and nurturing to others and let their children make…
En el Antiguo Testamento, we read about the relationship between God and His chosen people Israel (aquellos, who are born of the seed of Jacob; Israel). We read about God’s love…