Catégorie de navigation


  • La voie de Dieu est-elle votre voie

    La voie de Dieu est-elle votre voie?

    For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, dit le Seigneur. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than

  • Les pensées de Dieu sont-elles nos pensées

    Les pensées de Dieu sont-elles nos pensées?

    How many times do Christians quote Isaiah 55:8, to release themselves from their responsibilities as sons of God and to grow up and become like Jesus Christ and do His works?…

  • Le Seigneur est-il ton Pasteur ?

    Le Seigneur est-il ton Pasteur ??

    Dans le Psaume 23, Le Seigneur est mon Berger, David described his relationship with God. The words of Psalm 23 should also describe the relationship between a Christian and God. Bien que beaucoup…

  • Staying in the hand of God

    Staying in the hand of God

    The middle wall of partition between man and God has been broken down by Jesus Christ; par son sang. Tout le monde, who believes in Jesus Christ and becomes born again in Him

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