在过去的几年里, 关于神创论和进化论有很多讨论和争论, 教堂内外. Because of the scientific statement of the world that…
因为我的想法不是你的想法, 你的道路也不是我的道路, 耶和华说. 因为天比地高, so are My ways higher than…
基督徒引用以赛亚书多少次 55:8, 摆脱作为上帝儿子的责任,成长并变得像耶稣基督并做他的工作?…
在诗篇中 23, The Lord is my Shepherd, David described his relationship with God. The words of Psalm 23 should also describe the relationship between a Christian and God. Although many…
The middle wall of partition between man and God has been broken down by Jesus Christ; by His blood. 每个人, who believes in Jesus Christ and becomes born again in Him…