Ci sono molti cristiani, who weary the Lord. How do you weary the Lord? La Bibbia dice, you have wearied the Lord with your words, Yet ye say, wherein have we…
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Lo sapevate, that Adam lost his son, proprio come Dio? Adam experienced the same thing as God. Adam, the son of God The son of Seth, the son of Adam,…
A new week has begun, and today I would like to share the following Psalm with you. This Psalm is all about the greatness of God. What a mighty God is…
Jesus was the First born of the New Creation and the reflection of God. Jesus is our Example and showed us how to walk in obedience to God on earth. Ma…
Cosa dice la Bibbia sulla disubbidienza a Dio? Ci sono molti esempi nella Bibbia di disubbidienza a Dio. One of these examples is the story about the man of…