Kiedy Bóg złożył grzech świata na Jezusa Chrystusa, a Jezus stał się grzechem na krzyżu, Jezus zstąpił do piekła (Hades), where Jesus stayed for three days…
W Ewangelii Jana 10, Jezus powiedział, that He is the good Shepherd and that His sheep that belong to His flock will listen to His voice. Jesus knows His sheep and the…
W Ewangelii Jana 10:17-18 jest napisane, że Jezus miał władzę, aby złożyć Swoje życie i odebrać je ponownie. Jesus had received this commandment from His Father with the…
People can say and promise all kinds of things, until a situation arises, where their words and the promises they made are no longer remembered. This also happened in the life…
In the past days, we remembered the sufferings of Jesus Christ and His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. Jezus Chrystus, syn boży, who took…