What does the Bible say about the power of His resurrection? Many Christians know that Jesus Christ rose from the dead by the power of God, by the Holy Spirit. They…
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One of the biggest events in history is the passion of Jesus Christ; the sufferings and crucifixion of Jesus Christ and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. After the disobedience of mankind,…
If you ask a believer if the act of offence of Adam is stronger than the act of righteousness of Jesus Christ, most believers will say “of course not!” But how…
로마서 8:10, 바울은 이렇게 썼다, 그리스도가 당신 안에 계시다면, 몸이 죄로 말미암아 죽었습니다; 그러나 성령은 의로 말미암아 생명이십니다. 바울은 무슨 뜻으로 이 말을 했을까요??…
인간이 자신의 지위에 빠져 마귀에게 열쇠를 넘겨준 후에, 하나님은 뱀에게 예언하셨다, 악마, 그와 그의 통치권은 어떻게 될 것인가. The…