Browsing Category


  • Guds Kristus

    Guds Kristus

    When Jesus asked His disciples, who the people said He was, His disciples answered John the Baptist, but some said Elias, and others said one of the old prophets, who was

  • Jesus skammede sig ikke

    Jesus skammede sig ikke

    Jesus skammede sig ikke over sin Fader, fordi Jesus elskede sin Fader af hele sit hjerte, sjæl, sind, og styrke. Selvom Jesus tjente mennesket, Jesus’ life stood not in the service of

  • Er du en ven af Jesus Johannes 15:14

    Er du en ven af Jesus?

    Jesus Kristus, Guds søn, viste sin store kærlighed til sin Fader og dem, der, som han kaldte sine venner ved at give sit liv. Those, who would give heed to

  • What does it mean Jesus is the true Vine Jesus Christ

    The true Vine

    In the Bible in John 15:1-8, sagde Jesus, I am the true Vine and My Father is the Husbandman and every branch in Me that bears not fruit He takes away

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