Amikor Jézus megkérdezte tanítványait, akinek az emberek mondták Őt, Tanítványai válaszoltak Keresztelő Jánosnak, de némelyek azt mondták, hogy Éliás, mások pedig azt mondták: az egyik régi próféta, who was…
What was the difference between Jesus and the religious leaders? The religious leaders had a lot of head knowledge and high self-esteem. They thought they lived piously and were good men,…
Jesus wasn’t ashamed of His Father, because Jesus loved His Father with all His heart, soul, elme, and strength. Although Jesus served man, Jézus’ life stood not in the service of…
Jézus Krisztus, Isten Fia, showed His great love for His Father and those, whom He called His friends by laying down His life. Those, who would give heed to…
In the Bible in John 15:1-8, Jézus mondta, I am the true Vine and My Father is the Husbandman and every branch in Me that bears not fruit He takes away…