イエスは、人間を悪魔の力から救い出すために地上に来られました, 罪, そして死と、人間を神と和解させ、堕落した人間の地位を回復すること. イエスへの信仰によって…
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神はご自分のかたちに似せて人間を創造し、人間を地上の支配者として任命し、地上を支配するように任命されました (世代 1:26-28). Man was a son of God and…
Jesus preached and brought the Kingdom of God. He called the people of God to repentance and did many signs and wonders. Although Jesus did many mighty works, He could do…
Maybe you are shocked by the title of this article and thought: “What? Does Jesus hate? No way, Jesus is love and can’t hate. Jesus doesn’t hate, but Jesus loves.” Well,…
‘Jesus was a Friend of publicans and sinners’ is often used by believers, to compromise and make friends with the world, tolerate and approve sin, leave the commandments of the Word…