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  • Jesus brought the sword on earth

    The sword, Jesus brought on earth

    Jesus came to earth to deliver man from the power of the devil, synd, and death and to reconcile man back to God and restore the position of fallen man. By faith in Jesus

  • Vad hatar Jesus??

    Vad hatar Jesus??

    Kanske är du chockad över titeln på den här artikeln och tänkte: "Vad? Hatar Jesus? Aldrig, Jesus är kärlek och kan inte hata. Jesus hatar inte, but Jesus loves.” Well,…

  • Var Jesus en vän av tullindrivare

    Was Jesus a Friend of publicans?

    ‘Jesus was a Friend of publicans and sinners’ is often used by believers, to compromise and make friends with the world, tolerate and approve sin, leave the commandments of the Word

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