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  • seguindo Jesus em busca de sinais e maravilhas

    Seguindo Jesus para os sinais e maravilhas

    As mentioned in the previous blog, the interest in the supernatural among unbelievers and believers has increased significantly over the past years. You don’t have to be born again and follow

  • Jesus falsificado produz cristãos falsificados, falso Jesus e falsos cristãos

    Como um Jesus falso produz cristãos falsos

    The devil comes as an angel of light and presents himself as Jesus. He has ensured, that many Christians have created a false image of Jesus Christ that doesn’t correspond with

  • Seguir Jesus vai custar-lhe tudo

    Seguir Jesus vai custar-lhe tudo

    The more you deny yourself and give up things in your life because of Jesus Christ, and the more you live according to what the Word; Jesus diz, the more you

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