As mentioned in the previous blog, the interest in the supernatural among unbelievers and believers has increased significantly over the past years. You don’t have to be born again and follow…
Diabol prichádza ako anjel svetla a predstavuje sa ako Ježiš. Zabezpečil, that many Christians have created a false image of Jesus Christ that doesn’t correspond with…
Mnohí kresťania vyznávajú Ježiša Krista ako Pána, ale svojimi životmi a činmi, zapierajú Ježiša a namiesto toho slúžia diablovi. Do you confess Jesus before men or do you deny…
Čím viac zapierate seba samého a vzdávate sa vecí vo svojom živote kvôli Ježišovi Kristovi, a čím viac žijete podľa toho, čo Slovo; Ježiš hovorí, the more you…
We live in a self-centered world, where everything revolves around man. Many people are unhappy, despite all the prosperity and wealth. They don’t know who they really are and feel empty…