Kama nilivyoeleza katika blogu iliyopita, Maslahi ya wasio wa kawaida kati ya makafiri na waumini imeongezeka kwa kiasi kikubwa katika miaka iliyopita. You don’t have to be born again and follow…
Ibilisi anakuja kama malaika wa nuru na kujionyesha kama Yesu. Alihakikisha, that many Christians have created a false image of Jesus Christ that doesn’t correspond with…
Many Christians confess Jesus Christ as Lord, but with their lives and actions, they deny Jesus and serve the devil instead. Do you confess Jesus before men or do you deny…
Kadiri unavyojikana zaidi na kuacha mambo katika maisha yako kwa sababu ya Yesu Kristo, the zaidi wewe live according to the word; Yesu anasema, the more you…
We live in a self-centered world, where everything revolves around man. Many people are unhappy, despite all the prosperity and wealth. They don’t know who they really are and feel empty…