Hampir ke mana pun Anda pergi, the message of love is preached, both in the world and in the church. You must love others and respect them and accept them for who they…
Karena cinta, Allah mengutus Anak-Nya ke bumi sebagai korban bagi manusia yang jatuh. Melalui pengurbanan Yesus Kristus, the relationship between fallen man and God was restored.…
Your faith and the way you walk depend on your love for God. Jesus says that the first and therefore the most important commandment is, to love the Lord your God,…
Dalam Alkitab dalam Amsal 10:12, ada tertulis, Kebencian memicu perselisihan, Tetapi kasih menutupi segala dosa. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Amsal 10:12 berarti? Hate is a work of the flesh and…
What does the Bible say about walking in love? Do you walk in love, when you are kind to people and tolerate and approve all things, including sins and iniquities? Many Christians…