Þegar fólk heyrir orðið kynþroski, Meirihlutinn skal ekki strax hugsa um eðlilegt ferli líkamlegra breytinga til þroska, En hugsaðu um uppreisnargjarna unglinga, who don’t want to listen…
Hjónaband & Fjölskylda
There are many children, who are not happy and don’t really know who they are, and feel lost in society. Many children feel like a lost child and are depressed and…
What did Jesus say in the Bible about children? Jesus is very clear about His will regarding children. Jesús sagði, let the children come to Me and do not forbid them. But…
Hvað gerir þú, when you’re a Christian and believe in Jesus Christ, but your spouse doesn’t believe in God and refuses to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord? What do…
There are a many Christians, who are single. Some singles Christians have purposely chosen to stay single, but there are other single Christians, who are longing for a partner and can’t…