Kitengo cha Kuvinjari

Mafunzo ya Biblia

Mafunzo ya Biblia, learning the Bible

  • Yesu alifanya nini kuzimu?

    Yesu alifanya nini kuzimu?

    Mungu alipoweka dhambi ya ulimwengu juu ya Yesu Kristo na Yesu kufanywa dhambi msalabani, Yesu alishuka kuzimu (Kuzimu), where Jesus stayed for three days

  • Unasikiliza kwa sauti gani?

    Unasikiliza kwa sauti gani?

    Katika Yohana 10, Yesu alisema, that He is the good Shepherd and that His sheep that belong to His flock will listen to His voice. Jesus knows His sheep and the

  • Who still dares to work in the vineyard?

    Who still dares to work in the vineyard?

    God is the Creator of heaven and earth and all there is within. Nothing is created outside God. Therefore the heaven and the earth and all there is within is God’s

kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa