Biblické štúdiá, učenie sa Biblie
The Old Covenant shows the relationship between God and His carnal people, who are born of the seed of Israel. Veľa krát, we read about how God’s people started right but…
Biblické štúdiá, učenie sa Biblie
The Old Covenant shows the relationship between God and His carnal people, who are born of the seed of Israel. Veľa krát, we read about how God’s people started right but…
V Jánovi 3:14, Ježiš povedal, and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, aj tak, must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believes in Him should…
Povedzme, k vašim dverám príde predavač, snaha predať produkt, čo podľa neho, potrebujete vo svojom živote a nemôžete bez toho žiť. By using a standard sales…
In 2 Korinťanom 2:11, Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, they were not ignorant of satan’s devices. Jesus knew His adversary, He was familiar with satan’s nature and satan’s devices.…
When you are born again in Jesus Christ and have become a new creation, you have been transferred from the darkness into the Kingdom of God. You have entered the Kingdom…