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Bible studies

Bible studies, learning the Bible

  • Can you live in sin and be saved?

    Can you live in sin and be saved?

    Many Christians believe that sin doesn’t matter and that you can live in sin and be saved at the same time. They speak constantly about grace and use the grace of…

  • God gave His Word out of love

    God gave His Word out of love

    Christians should know and realize that God gave His Word out of love. Because many Christians don’t consider the words and commandments of God as love, but as a heavy burden,…

  • Why God gave His only begotten Son John 3:16

    Why God gave His only begotten Son?

    One of the most famous Scriptures in the Bible is John 3:16, ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should…

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