Biblické štúdiá, učenie sa Biblie
Jesus has given us many promises about His rest and His peace that everyone, who believes in Him and comes to Him and learns from Him should experience. The peace of…
Biblické štúdiá, učenie sa Biblie
Jesus has given us many promises about His rest and His peace that everyone, who believes in Him and comes to Him and learns from Him should experience. The peace of…
Kresťanov je veľa, who believe they have nothing to do with the devil anymore because the devil is a defeated enemy. Because of this mindset, many Christians have become passive…
Nepočujem Boha, aby ku mne hovoril. Aké to je, keď k tebe Boh hovorí? Ako znie Boží hlas? Ako môžete počuť Boží hlas??…
Takmer všade, kam idete, zvestuje sa posolstvo lásky, ako vo svete, tak aj v cirkvi. You must love others and respect them and accept them for who they…
We live in a time where many Christians don’t stand on the Word in full assurance, but doubt the words of God and compromise with the world and adjust the words…